Visiting Alex

Visiting Alex

This last Sunday we decided to go eat brunch at the restaurant that Alex works at called Vintage 2298, which is an upscale restaurant that is open for dinner every…
Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend 2022

We had a really good Labor Day weekend, so I thought I'd share about it. On Saturday, it was the 1st Auburn football game of the season. Rob had to…
Graduation Week 2022

Graduation Week 2022

I have so much to catch up on. May was a whirlwind especially the last 2 weeks. Today I'm recapping the fun week with Alex and his graduation activities. Senior…
Homecoming 2021

Homecoming 2021

Alex texted me on Thursday to tell me he needed to get a coat and shirt to wear to Homecoming. Wait, what? This was TWO days before the homecoming dance!…
Busch Gardens – Tampa, FL

Busch Gardens – Tampa, FL

While in Florida for Spring Break, we did something a little different this year. We let Alex bring a friend and we went to some amusement parks! Alex loves roller…
December Court of Honor

December Court of Honor

Last Sunday our Boy Scout Troop met in person for a the only Court of Honor we've had this year. Thanks, COVID! Alex has been the SPL (Senior Patrol Leader…
Summer Wrap Up 2018

2018 Summer Wrap Up

Jeez, now that September's almost over, I thought I'd better do my summer wrap up. Before you know it, it will be Christmas. Sheesh! So for us in Alabama, school…
Alex’s 13th Birthday

Alex’s 13th Birthday

Alex turned 13 last week. His actual birthday was on Tuesday, so we celebrated by taking him to Mikata (his favorite choice). Then, on Saturday we had a party at…
Middle School Pep Rally

Middle School Pep Rally

Last week, Alex's school cheered on the football team as well as all the teams that are active this fall. I took the afternoon off to attend and at first…
Back to School Days

Back to School Time 2016

First day of 7th Grade for Alex. It's his last year in middle school! This is his first year in band so we got a couple pics with his trombone.…
Alex’s Confirmation

Alex’s Confirmation

For the last few months, Alex has been going through the confirmation at church. For those that are unfamiliar, in the Methodism, parents bring their babies usually in the first…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {12.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting rid of a rash that I've had on my leg for nearly 2 years. (joys of getting old!) This year I'm going to…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {11.2015}

This month I was happy about: many things! See further down... This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating system: ♥ ♥ = Love it!…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {10.2015}

I can't believe another month has FLOWN by. I guess that's the story of my life. I feel like I've neglected my home away from home here, but it's been…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {9.2015}

Y'all I'm a bit aggravated. Fall is always a busy time in my household, but this year has been craaaaa-zy! I'm just trying to keep my head above water. October…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {8.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting to go to 2 weddings. This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating system: ♥ ♥ = Love…
Auburn Thunder 2.0

Auburn Thunder 2.0

This past spring Alex decided he wanted to try out for Auburn Thunder travel soccer league again. He played back in 2014 for a half season, but didn't make the…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {7.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting a new camera and lens!! Rating system for books & movies: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see! ♥ = Really good!…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {6.2015}

This month I was happy about: it being summer and just being able to have some downtime. This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating…