Middle School Pep Rally

By | October 26, 2016

Last week, Alex’s school cheered on the football team as well as all the teams that are active this fall. I took the afternoon off to attend and at first was glad that it was being held outside, but then the temps rose to over 80°. This did not make me to happy standing out there for over an hour with sun blaring in my face. However, I did manage to make it through the whole thing and got lots of pics and video to share with you.

I was glad I got there early, so I could stand in front of the band and take pics of Alex and the band. Each grade is broken down into 4 classroom teams all of which have a different cat name (Lions, Jaguars, Pumas, Cheetahs, etc.) Everyone showed their team spirit by wearing their team shirt so that’s why you see a myriad of colors. They also paint their faces in different ways depending on what team they are on.
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

I mean really. How cute is that face! Paint or no paint.
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

Here’s Mr. C who’s a friend of Alex
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

Since the middle school doesn’t have cheerleaders, the high school cheerleaders as well as the mascot came to rally them on.
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

The teachers competed in a 6th vs 7th grade lip syncing/dancing contest.
DMS Pep Rally

6th grade
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

Go 7th grade!!
DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

DMS Pep Rally

As soon as I can my newly updated iMovie to work, I’ll compile a video of pieces of the pep rally.

Here’s a flashback to when Drew was in 6th Grade at his first DMS Peprally!

One thought on “Middle School Pep Rally

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