Noccalula Falls {Gadsden, Alabama}

Noccalula Falls {Gadsden, Alabama}

A few weeks ago, we were near Gadsden, Al looking for something to do, so I went old fashion and pulled out the atlas. I found a place called Noccalula…
Day Trip to Birmingham

Day Trip to Birmingham

Remember a few weeks ago, when I wrote about the Wednesday that Rob and I had a free day from work? Well, we ended up taking a day trip up to Birmingham, since Drew was going to be playing in a soccer game that afternoon.

We headed up towards Birmingham and ended up stopping for lunch as we were too hungry to wait till we got to B’ham. We txted some good friends who gave us some suggestions. So stopped at Big “B” Bar-B-Q in Alex City.
The moose at Big B Bar-B-Que

Horseshoe Bend

Cub Scout Field Trip

A few weeks ago we went to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle at Horseshoe Bend with Alex's Cub scout den. We enjoyed hearing the stories as well as seeing…
Trip to Birmingham

Trip to Birmingham

Drew and the AHS JV soccer team were in a tournament back in April. He went up with the team. Rob and I went up Friday night to watch the 2 games. Drove back to our friends’ lake house in Dadeville, then served at Emmaus Saturday morning and headed back up to Birmingham after that. Alex was with Rob’s mom while we did all this.

Joe Wheeler State Park, AL

Joe Wheeler State Park, AL

Last weekend, we ventured up to North Alabama, because Drew was competing in State Cup Soccer. He had a game Friday night and Sunday morning. Since we were going to…
Easter Sunday 2012

Easter Sunday 2012

Last Sunday I took the day off and enjoyed the day with the family. We rose early to attend the 8 a.m. church service and then, got over to Montgomery…


Here's a couple pics from Saturday and Sunday when we went camping. Our weekend started with Alex's baseball game in Auburn at 9:30 am. We booked it out of there,…
Orange Beach, AL

Orange Beach, AL

We left Friday around noon and headed to Orange Beach for some fun and soccer. We didn't get far before we had to stop because the truck was over-heating. Luckily…

Saturday in Birmingham

We had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to Birmingham and went to the Birmingham Botanical & Japanese Gardens. Then, we went to the Summit to shop. We ate dinner…