iSpy #19

iSpy #19

Selfie (Spring) - quarterly pic Nuts Sticker I saw these super cute stickers at Target yesterday. Blue So I got all the blue magnets from my office and was trying…
Week 18 [2021]

Week 18 [2021]

Week 18 was May 3-9, 2021. Another week of being in the office. I'm not missing being at home as much. Honestly too busy to have much time to ponder…
iSpy #18

iSpy #18

Welcome back to another iSpy! Let's jump straight into the prompts! Mail How You Feel Today I took this pic one day this week when I was at work and…
Currently – May 2021

Currently – May 2021

How is everyone doing? I am just trying to keep my head above water right now and unfortunately my blogging life is and might continue suffering for a bit. I'm…
Week 17 [2021]

Week 17 [2021]

Week 17 was April 26-May 2, 2021, which happened to be my week in the office. Getting home every afternoon, I collapsed in exhaustion at least for a bit. Then…
iSpy #17

iSpy #17

Backyard (Spring) - quarterly pic Working it Together Light The way the sunlight was hitting on this tree was really pretty. Your Choice Toomer's Corner This week I continued to…
Memories of the Month {4.2021}

Memories of the Month {4.2021}

I'm on the blogging struggle bus, but I'm working hard to try and stay on top of things or at least get posts out as I can. This month I…
What’s Up Wednesday ~ April 2021

What’s Up Wednesday ~ April 2021

I'm late getting this post up, but here it is. I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday. What We're Eating nothing exciting really. Still haven't felt…
iSpy #16

iSpy #16

Kitchen Sink Flower Flowering Kale Up Looking up toward sky next to a Kohlrabi plant that is going to flower soon. Mixed a mixed box of tomato plants that need…
Spring Break 2021

Spring Break 2021

For Spring Break we usually drive down to Florida to visit with Rob's Grandparents and take in some Spring Training games. Our old son, Drew and Rob are the real…
Week 15 [2021]

Week 15 [2021]

Week 15 was April 12-18, 2021. I'm enjoying every day that I can while still working from home as I suspect that will be changing soon. Here's some highlights of…
iSpy #15

iSpy #15

This week it was a struggle to get the pics to for this post. It took everything in me and if it wasn't a link up I wouldn't have gotten…
Week 14 [2021]

Week 14 [2021]

Here's a quick drop of a few photos from this last week. Kayleigh's eyes looked different when she was taking a nap. On Saturday, we went to watch some of…
iSpy #14

iSpy #14

Welcome back to another week of iSpy! I heard from some of you that some of these prompts seemed kind of difficult. If you participated did they end up being…
Sentence a Day – March 2021

Sentence a Day – March 2021

Here's my March Sentence a Day...maybe more like a paragraph a day depending on the day! 1 / Monday - In the office this week. Pretty chill day. Rob sent…
Currently – April 2021

Currently – April 2021

/arranging/ We are still working on re-arranging some stuff in our closet. I mentioned before that when we got new carpet upstairs it forced us to remove and pack up…
Easter 2021

Easter 2021

This Easter was quite a bit more 'normal' than 2020! Hallelujah! Rob got up early to be at church by 6:30. Our church is one of the only churches that…
Memories of the Month {3.2021}

Memories of the Month {3.2021}

This month I was happy about: Spring break was great! This month I was sad about: After we visited Rob's Gramma while we were down in Florida, she has a…
iSpy #13

iSpy #13

Happy Easter weekend to everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for joining along for the fun of photography! Here's what I got this week... Sepia White -…