Week 15 was April 12-18, 2021. I’m enjoying every day that I can while still working from home as I suspect that will be changing soon. Here’s some highlights of the week.
Tuesday I brought Rob lunch at work and we sat outside near the pond behind his office.

After work, I went outside to check on my newly transplanted tomato plants only to find that Kayleigh had dug some of them up and made a huge mess. Needless to say I was not happy.

Buster came to visit for the morning. He enjoyed laying on my warm heating pad.

I pulled up my Japanese Mustard Greens because I need room to plant more tomato plants. This was kind of a bummer, because I could just harvest off this plant and it would continue to grow. I just need a good recipe for Mustard Greens.

Rob and I went to see our nephew play lacrosse. Added perk is getting to see our newest niece.

Here’s me, my nephew, K, and my mother-in-law after the game.

We also went and got our new table and chairs that we ordered. We have needed a new table for awhile. We’ve had this table since we got married. My grandparents wanted to buy us a kitchen table and chairs as our wedding gift. Rob and I picked this out the first month or so that we were married. I think 24 years is a good stretch of time, but we were ready for an upgrade. Since we got the new side buffet table, I wanted to get something to match it.
This is the “Before” shot.

“After” with all 6 chairs

Since this table is larger than our old one, we decided to keep 2 chairs in another area so it’s not so crowded.

Rob cooked out and we tried the asparagus on the grill again. This time I ran the asparagus through garlic butter with a little soy sauce and cooked straight on the grill. Much better than last week’s attempt!

The weather has been beautiful and we’ve been trying to spend as much time out on the back deck as possible before it gets hot. Kayleigh is always so happy when we’re outside.

Hope everyone has a lovely week!

Your new table is beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Thank you! I’m pretty excited about it.
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I love your new table and now I want asparagus! Hahaha! Also, I love that lunch spot.