Here’s my March Sentence a Day…maybe more like a paragraph a day depending on the day!
1 / Monday – In the office this week. Pretty chill day. Rob sent me flowers “just because” which was really sweet. Being that I’ve just been mentally exhausted and just really emotionally over so many things. It was a nice pick me up.

2 / Tuesday – Rainy morning makes for a hard morning. Not wanting to get out of bed, especially when going into the office.
3 / Wednesday – Rob and I ate lunch at Which Wich for Wicked Wednesday. So sleepy at work. Came home and took decently long nap. Ordered pizza and picked it up. Discussed classes for senior year with Alex. Rob got home from AHS baseball game and we all discussed.
4 / Thursday – Came home and packed. Once Rob got home we finally sat down and went through and figured out Alex’s schedule. He really wanted to do “early release” but it seems that they don’t let you just not have ‘something’ to do like they used to. Alex ended up signing up for a full load all year.
5 / Friday – So sleepy all day. Ended up with migraine. Headed home a little early for quick nap and meds. Alex’s friend’s mom brought C over. We loaded up and headed out. Stopped at Chili’s in Albany, GA for dinner. Had to get pliers at Walmart because one of our chargers broke off in C’s phone! Spent the night in Cheifland, Fl.
6 / Saturday – Drove rest of way to McMahon’s. Made cavatelli. Celebrated Alex’s birthday. Sad that Gramma was so out of it that she couldn’t join us for the special dinner. Drove to hotel suite.
7 / Sunday – Alex’s 17th birthday. Went to Busch Gardens for the day. Alex and C had a great time riding almost all the roller coasters. Rob and I enjoyed walking around seeing all the animals.
8 / Monday – Fun day at Sea World. 2nd Orca show was amazing! Loved the dolphins. The seal show was so cute. Alex picked dinner at Mongolian Grill.
9 / Tuesday – Dropped boys at Busch Gardens for the day and the Rob and headed to Lakeland for Yankees at Tigers. We sat on the berm in our box (COVID).
10 / Wednesday – Always waiting on C in the morning. No biggie! You know teenage boys. Tigers at Phillies. We met up with the W family in Lakeland to hand C off to them for the rest of the week.
11 / Thursday – Checked out of hotel and got to Dunedine for lunch at Crown and Bull. Favorite place to eat! Then to the game to see Blue Jays vs Tigers. We were mostly in the shade! Visited the McMahons and headed home. Got home after midnight. Great day!
12 / Friday – Slept in a little bit. Lounged around the house.
13 / Saturday – went on a hike at Pine Mountain trail which ended up being over an hour drive. We did about 4 miles. Kayleigh loved it. There were way too many people and dogs on the trail for us to love it!

14 / Sunday – Rob continues to get more and more busy with church. Media team, Wesley board, Task force, etc. He is definitely loved and appreciated by our church!
15 / Monday – We got a text from Rob’s mom that her Mom who we call Gramma (that we visited last week) has hospice care now.
16 / Tuesday – Crappy day. Tired of feeling like the weight of the world sits on my shoulders.
17 / Wednesday – Bad weather impending. Rob home early. Alex school cancelled tomorrow. Played Rack-O with Drew, Caitlyn, Rob, and Alex.

18 / Thursday – Alex had the day off from school. Rob and I didn’t have to be there till 9am. Although I’m still working from home. Just so tired and sleepy all the time. I could literally sleep all day.
19 / Friday – Started watching Army Wives. Pretty decent so far. Put Color Street nail strips on my nails last night. Picture doesn’t do these justice.

20 / Saturday – Rob and I went to a restaurant called Another Broken Egg for breakfast and then Goree’s Furniture to order new kitchen table and chairs. Went to the in laws for a visit. Came home. Rob watched AU baseball game and I up-planted more seedlings. Nap. Nick came over. Dinner at Insomnia Grill for the first time ever.
21 / Sunday – Went to church in person today! It was so great to be back. So very sleepy this afternoon. Started a new herbal remedy for anxiety. Wonder if that’s why.
22 / Monday – Rob wanted to cookout tonight, so he went to store and came home. Cooked pork tenderloin on the grill. Yummy! We enjoyed being able to sit outside.

23 / Tuesday – Good day. Crappy evening because I had to go up to work to deal with student worker disciplinary stuff. Nothing major, just students not wanting to follow simple rules. Like don’t have your cell phone at the service desks!
24 / Wednesday – took Alex to the bus stop this morning. Separate Ways by Journey came on when his bus came driving up. He said “You’re making me this GREAT song!” I got my steam mop in the mail today! Used it in my bathroom and I think I like it. For sure easier than using a real mop.
25 / Thursday – Not in a good headspace right now. Work is never really that stressful, but lately it just has been. I’ve never disliked my job here, but right now its pretty close to that. I know sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. On a happier note, I got a new water bottle. The kind you can put fruit in. I have cucumber in this one.

26/ Friday – This evening I ordered from Uber eats while Rob was at the AU baseball game. I ordered from Tacorita, which I’ve never had. I had had a couple glasses and wine and wanted something different and good to eat. Uber eats ended up almost doubling the cost, so I won’t do that hardly ever. Nice to treat myself once in a while. Game was postponed bc of lightening so Rob came home not long after I had finished my dinner. He wanted me to go back to the game with him when it commenced, so I did. Got to catch up with Caitlyn, since she was there with Drew.

Brisket, Chicken Tinga, Carne Asada – All really good, but different. Carne Asada was of course my favorite.
27 / Saturday – Auburn double header. Rob and I worked on closets. Installed more shelving in his office closet.
28 / Sunday – Alex and my 2nd in person church day. Palm Sunday
29 / Monday – In the office this week. Hoping for a calm week. Came home to the ‘reward’ of a very muddy Kayleigh!
30 / Tuesday – Some of my recent seeds that I planted outside have sprouted. So exciting.
31 / Wednesday – Took afternoon off to Alex to his appointment. Rained really hard. Lunch at Beyond the Wok of course!
Linking up with host of a Sentence a Day, Rebecca Jo
Want to read more Sentence of the Day posts>>>Sentence a Day
Pretty manicure! Just because flowers are the best! It’s the nicest surprise!
Thank you! It was a lovely surprise.
A busy work month for you. I worked more hours this month due to being short staffed & seem to be getting more tired all the time. Those tacos look delicious. I’ve got some color street nails I think I’ll wait till Daughter visits so us 4 girls can do our nails together.
Oh a nail ‘party’ with your girls sounds like so much fun!
Unexpected flowers are guaranteed to make you smile – how thoughtful. Sounds like you’re having a busy time at work – make sure you take care of yourself while you are busy taking care of everyone else.
Oh thank you! Yes, I try not to forget about me and truthfully my body/mind do a good job of reminding me that they need rest!
“Just because” flowers are the best. I’m sorry work was so yucky this month. I’m also completely envious that you got to watch the Blue Jays in Spring Training. I would LOVE to do that some year… I hope you get your tiredness figured out — it’s frustrating to have no energy and wonder what’s going on all the time 🙁
I always think of you when we go to Dunedin. It is such a great place.