Currently – May 2021

By | May 6, 2021

How is everyone doing? I am just trying to keep my head above water right now and unfortunately my blogging life is and might continue suffering for a bit. I’m hoping to find a rhythm with being back in the office full time and trying to continue being on top of house work, family life, and blogging.

Anyway, how are we in the 5th month of the year already! Wow! Today I’m linking up with one of my favorite linkups, Currently.

/consuming/ I mentioned before that I tried Spindrifts recently and really like them. Pineapple is my favorite variety so far!

2021-05-05 09.30.47-1

/exploring/ some new podcasts. The Orange Tree and Do No Harm are both really good true crime podcasts I listened to recently. I’m starting another new one a coworker recommended called CounterClock: Season 3.

/getting/ tired of wearing a mask 8 hours a day at work.

2021-05-05 14.50.30e

/hoping/ that physical therapy and the steroid shot I got yesterday will relieve the pain I’ve been in again lately. Last year around this time, I had this same sciatic nerve pain on my right side (due to a slightly bulging disk) and after an MRI and 6 weeks of physical therapy it went away. Over this last year, I’d occasionally have flareups, but I would do my stretches and exercises and it would get better. However, this last month I’ve been doing those to try and alleviate the pain, but it hasn’t helped so I visited the dcotor yesterday and I’m trying option 1 which is a steroid shot and a few weeks of PT like this physical therapy in Cary. If that doesn’t work, we’ll go with option 2, which is the epidural route.

/seeing/ a light at the end of the tunnel with COVID. A lot of businesses around town aren’t requiring masks anymore. The doctor yesterday shook my hand at the beginning and end of the appointment. Little steps towards ‘normalcy.’

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.

11 thoughts on “Currently – May 2021

  1. Anne

    I haven’t listened to a true crime podcast in ages – might have to check those out! And I hope you are able to get the pain situation sorted out. I’m dealing with some stuff along those lines myself thanks to all of the shifting of ligaments and such during pregnancy, and it is a bummer to have that nagging pain for sure. Good luck!

    1. Lysha Post author

      Yes, pregnancy does all sorts of weird things to other parts of your body.

    1. Lysha Post author

      Thanks! My favorite Spindrift flavors so far are Pineapple and Blackberry.

  2. Kimberly

    I was 100% a good little Do-Bee when it came to staying home, cancelling plans, wearing masks, getting vaccinated, etc. But at a certain point, I’m going to want to take my mask off and if the eligible adults around me aren’t vaccinated by fall, that’s on them.

    Fingers crossed that the steroid shot & PT works for you!

    1. Lysha Post author

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone in my office has been vaccinated, but the mask mandate for campus has yet to be lifted.

  3. Joanne

    I have tried Spindrift but not that flavor; I love just about anything pineapple. I hope PT & the shot do the trick for you.

    1. Lysha Post author

      Headed to PT today, but wouldn’t you know it the pain has pretty much subsided so we’ll see how this all goes. 🙂

  4. Jennifer Smith

    Hooray for seeing light at the end of the tunnel! I cannot wait!! I do hope you are finding some pain relief!! And this has been a better week –

  5. Natasha

    Our family has recently gotten into flavoured waters — I love the grapefruit but no one else in my family does! Haha! I’m sorry you are in pain, but I hope it has gone away/been dealt with properly by now. Constant pain is no fun.


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