I’m late getting this post up, but here it is. I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.
What We’re Eating nothing exciting really. Still haven’t felt motivated to cook or menu plan. I need to start menu planning again.
What I’m Reminiscing About 10 years ago around this time that we traveled to Tennessee.

What I’m Loving Spindrift Sparkling Waters – I’ve tried this flavor, Orange Mango, and Blackberry. Orange Mango is not my favorite, but I loved the Blackberry. I’m really anxious to try more flavors.

What We’ve Been Up To Last night we celebrated my brother-in-laws birthday at 167°F Korean BBQ. We’ve been there a few times before, but it was a terrible experience. Terrible service and the food wasn’t that great. 🙁
What I’m Dreading I have been dreading being back in the office full time, but I’ve survived the 1st week so that’s good!
What I’m Working On Well its interview and hiring time right now for me. The ends and beginnings of semesters are my busiest times of the year.
What I’m Excited About Possibly booking a cruise sometime later this year! I just got an email from Rob that he forwarded from one of our friends. I have missed cruising so much!
What I’m Watching/Reading/Listening
Cafe Music BGM Channel on Apple Music
Look for more info about this in my Memories of the Month for April post that will come out soon.
What I’m Wearing I took a pic with my face and no mask, but I look super tired and it just wasn’t flattering so here you go.
What I’m Doing This Weekend No plans that I know of. Hopefully just doing stuff around the house and resting.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month Memorial Day Weekend at the lake
What Else is New Can’t think of anything else!
In case you missed last month…March’s What’s Up Wednesday
How exciting that you have a cruise booked! I miss cruising too 🙂 And I hope your continued “working from the office” time goes well. I’ve been working out of the house for most of this year but it will be quite the adjustment for my husband when he has to leave the house to work again!
It is quite an adjustment being in the office, but we all knew it would happen at some point.
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