Tag Archives: 2007


By | June 22, 2007

Uh! Why don’t I learn my lesson! You can’t take paint that’s been sitting for a couple of years and expect it to actually match when you’re trying to make touch ups. I had this problem at the old house. Today I had the brilliant idea to find the old paint and do some “touch-ups.”… Read More »

Marking stuff off the list (updated…for the 3rd time)

By | June 20, 2007

Completed: purchase curtain rod for Alex’s room hang valance in Alex’s room install outdoor speakers purchase lots of organizing bins for different rooms of the house paint Drew’s room (have 1 corner left) finish organizing and cleaning laundry room purchase blinds for Drew’s room install blinds for Drew’s’s room (thanks Rob!) fix outside door in… Read More »


By | June 13, 2007

My Mom says I haven’t been writing lately, which is true. I’ve been pretty quiet. I thought I’d write and make my Mom happy. 🙂 Everybody say, “Hi, Mom!” and root her on to comment on here. You can do it!! Anyway, Drew has been quite busy the last couple weeks. This week he’s going… Read More »


By | June 1, 2007

I think I’ve ran off my fan club. Haha! I know I haven’t been posting on a regular basis but many of you know things for me haven’t been great. The new house is wonderful and I have great neighbors. In fact, the boys played with the 2 boys next door and we ate dinner… Read More »

New House Ramblings

By | June 1, 2007

I decided to actually write and let you know what I’ve been up to lately. I’ve been busy trying to unpack still and get stuff organized and put in it’s place. I’ve hardly been able to touch the playroom, which is still piled high in boxes. We’ve purchased a piece of contemporary furniture for the… Read More »

Restaurant Meme

By | May 30, 2007

I saw this meme over at Susie’s. Since I haven’t been absent from my little place here I figured this might be something fun to do and to let you know I’m still here. Like Stacy, I like the usual Chili’s, Red Lobster, etc, but I decided to do unique restaurants. These aren’t in any… Read More »

Keep ’em comin’

By | May 21, 2007

Keep the prayers coming. I’ve got an another interview tomorrow at 11 cst. My interview last week didn’t go that great. Basically, my nerves took over and I just couldn’t stay focused. Tomorrow is a screening interview with my 1st choice in school systems, so it’s a MUST that I do great.

I’m alive

By | May 18, 2007

For anyone who’s curious, I’m still here. We just got internet working at the new house yesterday. We’re in the process of getting unpacked and settled in. Thanks to everyone who helped us move! 🙂 Click below to see all the fun moving pics.


By | May 10, 2007

Thanks for all the prayers. Keep them coming please. Things are still not good with me and won’t be until there’s a resolution. If you’d like to read about what’s going on, all those entries will be password protected. I have to be careful who reads it, so if you’d like the password just let… Read More »


By | May 10, 2007

Thanks for all the prayers. Keep them coming please. Things are still not good with me and won’t be until there’s a resolution. If you’d like to read about what’s going on, all those entries will be password protected. I have to be careful who reads it, so if you’d like the password just let… Read More »

We bought a house!!

By | April 27, 2007

Finally! We bought a house this week. Well, we signed a contract and came to terms with the sellers. We’re set to have our closing May 15th, back to back with the sell of our house. We’re moving in the weekend before that if all goes as planned. We’re in a mad rush packing, cleaning,… Read More »

Quiet lately…

By | April 20, 2007

I guess I’ve been pretty quiet here lately. You should be thanking me though, because if I was writing here every day you wouldn’t want to come back. I’m just not real happy right now. I’m upset, because we’ve had 3 houses that we would live in and all 3…poof…gone! We’re running out of time,… Read More »

Friday Feast #24

By | April 13, 2007

Appetizer When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite? Forest green Soup On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move? 1 Salad Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add… Read More »