Marking stuff off the list (updated…for the 3rd time)

By | June 20, 2007


  • purchase curtain rod for Alex’s room
  • hang valance in Alex’s room
  • install outdoor speakers
  • purchase lots of organizing bins for different rooms of the house
  • paint Drew’s room (have 1 corner left)
  • finish organizing and cleaning laundry room
  • purchase blinds for Drew’s room
  • install blinds for Drew’s’s room (thanks Rob!)
  • fix outside door in master bedroom (thanks Rob!)
  • fix closet doors in master bedroom (thanks Rob!)
  • Started:

  • purchase curtain for Laundry room – have to take back and get something else
  • hang pictures
  • finish organizing office
  • unpack, clean, and organize the playroom
  • organize and set up Drew’s room
  • Short-term:

  • purchase new dishwasher, cooktop, and built-in stove
  • install shelves or cabinets in playroom
  • hang stuff in Drew’s’s room
  • paint main bathroom
  • decorate main bathroom with new shower curtain, etc.
  • touch up paint in master bedroom and breakfast area and hallway
  • purchase cedar chest to hold blankets in living room
  • purchase chair for master bedroom
  • purchase display shelves
  • purchase blinds for playroom to replace roman shades – don’t think I’m going to do that
  • purchase curtain for master bedroom
  • purchase new lamp shades for master bedroom, TVB’s lamp, and living room lamp
  • patch holes where old curtain used to be in living room and breakfast area
  • touch up doors and borders throughout house
  • Long term:

  • install built-in over the range microwave
  • install cabinets in open area under bar in kitchen
  • redo cabinet doors and drawer covers
  • install ceramic tile in kitchen, breakfast area, and entry way
  • install ceramic tile in main bathroom
  • install ceramic tile in master bathroom
  • paint and redecorate master bathroom
  • install hardwood floors in living room areas
  • 0 thoughts on “Marking stuff off the list (updated…for the 3rd time)

    1. Stacy

      Goodness gracious, my head is just spinning, just reading your list. You are one incredibly motivated, talented woman 🙂


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