Category Archives: Life

Congrats to Maria!

By | June 4, 2009

Picture courtesy of Savannah Now Saturday my sis-in-law, Maria, graduated from SCAD Atlanta. It was a great commencement ceremony. Very inspiring! They had display screens and while we were waiting for the ceremony to start they displayed examples of work from a select few graduates. I’m a pretty artsy person and as they flipped through… Read More »

WFMW {Bathtime Battles}

By | May 27, 2009

This is my first time time to do Works for Me Wednesday. This week’s topic is Parenting Tip for Young Children. When my boys were younger they loved taking a bath, but neither of them liked getting out when it was time. In fact it got so bad with my first son that I came… Read More »

Moving On Up!

By | May 23, 2009

Yesterday was the end of an era. Drew finished his years at elementary school. It’s hard to imagine these 5 years have gone by so fast. I can honestly look back at those 5 years and be satisfied with the education he received. For the most part he liked all his teachers and so did… Read More »

10 on Tuesday

By | May 12, 2009

Haven’t done 10 on Tuesday in ages!! 10 Favorite Places to Shop 1. Walmart 2. Target 3. Sam’s 4. Hobby Lobby 5. Old Navy 6. JC Penney 7. Kroger 8. Online 9. Ross 10. Victoria Secret’s

He’s a Winner!

By | May 9, 2009

Last Friday Drew’s school held their annual Bash N Dash. We’ve actually never gone, because there’s always something going on. I was happy that we got to make it this year especially since it’s his last year there. They have a 1 mile fun run and 5K. Drew decided to do the 5K. His first… Read More »


By | April 17, 2009

On the way to playgroup the other day, this was the conversation that ensued: Alex: Mom, I know babies come out of their mom’s tummies, but how do they get out? Me: (*Thinking* Oh geez. Why is he asking me this?!) Mommies have to push them out really hard. Alex: How? Me: With lots of… Read More »

Sleepy Heads on the Couch

By | April 12, 2009

I forgot to blog about this a couple weeks ago. This was one afternoon after Drew got home from school. His allergies were driving him crazy, especially after his walk home. I gave him some Benadryl and I’m pretty sure it induced this short period of silence for me. As for Alex, he didn’t have… Read More »

Finish the Statements Tag Game

By | March 25, 2009

Maybe I should be: cleaning, exercising, working, who knows! I love the smell of: pumpkin spice, Cool Water, hubby’s tomato sauce cooking. People would say that I: am shy until I get to know you. I don’t understand why: so many people are inconsiderate and rude. When I wake up in the morning: I try… Read More »