Little Trip to the ER

Little Trip to the ER

Seussical the Musical

“2 more songs.

           I can make it.

                      Come on.

                            Hurry up!

                                      I need to get outta here!”

Having the Joy Sucked Out of You

I really hate when life and all it’s problems start to get to me. When I get that feeling that I swallowed a 10 lb. dumbbell, my fingers start to ache, and nervousness rushes through me from my head down to my toes. It’s just not a good feeling. I can handle a lot, but it seems like circumstances, many of which are not in my control, just keep getting shoveled on top of me one after another. Just when I think I can push my way through it all and get back on my feet, one more heaping pile is added and I’m thrown back down on my back again only to have to dig my way back through hoping to make it out this time. All of this sucks the joy right out of me. Now these things could be worse, I realize this, but I was just sitting here thinking. I love this time of year, or at least I used to.


Happy 16th Anniversary!

16 year wedding anniversary stats: -Lived in 5 different places all in the same city (2 apartments, 1 duplex, 2 houses) -Owned 7 vehicles (5 cars and 2 SUVs [1…
1 Month and No Diet Coke

1 Month and No Diet Coke

One month ago today, I quit Diet Coke and really all sodas for that matter. I went cold turkey from May 5th on. Before that I was weaning myself off,…
Being the Hands & Feet

Being the Hands & Feet

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. ~ Proverbs 11:25 ESV Oh what a marvelous feeling it is to know you're doing something…


this was written awhile back... listen.... do you hear that? it is so loud. i can't block it out. i can't wish it away            ~believe…
My Afternoon with Alex

My Afternoon with Alex

Thursday afternoon Alex's Cub Scouts went to church to help make up boxes for the food pantry. Our church provides food for those that are need every Friday and they…

Memories of the Month {11.2012}

This month I was happy about: getting the kitchen done! This month I was sad about: Auburn high losing in the 3rd round of the playoffs. Somethings I accomplished this…
Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Getting a year older may not be any fun, but getting to pick out cupcakes at Gi Gi's sure is. What a special treat from Rob! I love Gi Gi's…

Calgon take me away….

As if it weren't difficult enough coming back from a week long vacation. Getting back to reality after a week away is just down right hard. We've also had (one…

Busy Football Friday

Friday was a busy day. As much as I had hoped to get a lot of items marked off my to-do-list, it just didn't happen. I spent about half a…
Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Thursday, Rob, Drew, 2 other friends of ours, and I went to Atlanta to see Cheap Trick and Aerosmith. Aerosmith's plays list could have been better, but over all great…
Date Night in Decatur

Date Night in Decatur

Yesterday, we dropped the kids off so that they could hang out with their Uncle Nick while Rob and I escaped for a date night in Decatur, GA. One of…
Valentine’s Gift Gone Wrong…Again

Valentine’s Gift Gone Wrong…Again

This year the Friday before Valentine's Day we had a lovely dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. Rob's company paid for our dinner so we enjoyed a full 3 course meal. Here's…


What great timing! Saturday night before going to bed, I could tell I had some drainage on my throat, but we didn't have the type of medicine that would really…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 10

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 10

I am thankful for the opportunity to learn. My job offers free tuition for me at limited number of hours each semester. Although, I haven't taken advantage of that. I…