Tag Archives: January 2023

Monthly Digest – January 2023

By | February 2, 2023

Here we are for another end of month summary. LIFE Happenings It’s been a pretty good month. Since I’m doing my Weekly highlight posts again you can see all the happenings here: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Loving I have used the Collect Photo Journal Diary App keep a photo from each… Read More »

Week 4::2023

By | January 31, 2023

Hey yall! Here’s my (Jan. 23-30, 2023) highlights… Monday, Rob and I took a day to go to Montgomery to see my Fibromaylgia doctor. He was so happy with my how my health journey has gone since the last visit. Exercise, less sugar, less gluten, less carbs, which you could also learn on sites like… Read More »

Week 3::2023

By | January 23, 2023

With last week (Jan. 16-22, 2023) starting off with a holiday on Monday, those weeks often are the slowest weeks ever. I was happy that it seemed more normal and didn’t drag and drag. Our week started off with having the day off. Rob, Caitlyn, and I met at Amsterdam Cafe for our tasting. This… Read More »

Week 2::2023

By | January 18, 2023

I can’t decide if January is flying by or not. Here we are for Week 2 highlights (Jan. 9-15, 2023). At work we usually do a yearly department photo around Christmas, but we all had differing schedules. We ended up having to do the Monday we came back to work after being off 2 weeks.… Read More »

Week 1::2023

By | January 17, 2023

I have wanted to get back to writing weekly posts for quite awhile now. I just haven’t been able to put that routine back into place. As mentioned before, I’ve been super occupied with wedding planning and life in general, so I haven’t been able to sit down and think about how I want to… Read More »