Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {1.2012}

This month I was happy about: getting a "Leading Performance (exceeds expectations)" on my 1st end of the year evaluation at my job. This month I was sad about: Rob…

Project 366 Rewind {Week 4}

As I said on my post for the Scavenger Hunt, I told you that I'm struggling. What I didn't mention was that in this new year, I can't get into…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #4

I am in such a rut right now photography-wise. Blah! Part of it is I'm rushing right here at the deadline to get pics done. I want to be creative,…

More energy with age?

"Maybe now that I'm 14, I don't get tired. -Alex (He says this after saying he's got so much energy and can't believe he's not tired after staying up so…


I am in shock that 14 years ago today was one of the biggest days of my life. They day I gave birth to my 1st child. The day that would forever change me in so many good ways. The day I would realize how much love I could have for 1 individual.

I love being able to celebrate birthdays with the boys, but this year I get a little sick to my stomach realizing how with each year he earns more responsibilities. Mainly, next year at this time he will be able to get a driving permit. Did I just say that? It really does make me shake in my boots just thinking about that little detail. I will savor this year in knowing it’s the last year that he will be a non-driver! Granted next year is just the beginning. He will not be able to drive by himself, but I’ll have to teach him. Hopefully, I can get Rob to do most of that. 🙂

Project 366 Rewind {Week 3}

15. Twisted: Love the look of this twisted tree trunk 16. Hospital: I mentioned last week that Rob was in the hospital. 17. Day 2 in the Hospital: I showed…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #3

Sunset I'm so sad I was not able to capture a real sunset this past week. With our sunset occurring about 4:45, it makes it a bit of a challenge…

Viral or Bacterial?

Ok, so Sunday evening (Jan.15) Rob and the kids and I watched National Treasure. Then, after putting the kids to bed Rob and I started watching P.S. I Love You.…

Project 366 Rewind {Week 2: Chilly}

I'm much later posting this than I'd hope. Life happens! Today (well, last night) life included my husband getting sick to the point of dehydration and being admitted to our…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #2

Stacked Up Stacks of jax While going through stuff this week I found some Jax and thought it would fun to try and stack them. Winter Wonderland Here in Alabama,…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #1

One Color Laundry I was actually almost done with laundry when I took this picture so, it was not even a full basket. Usually the bed is covered with clean…