Where has the time gone? Drew is N I N E today! You don't know how old that makes me feel. I've spent much of the day reflecting on this…
Halloween 2006 Recap

Halloween 2006 Recap

I took the boys trick 'r treating. They had fun. Drew got tired before Alex did. I was shocked. Drew was hot from his mask that kept shifting where he…
Summer Days

Summer Days

Our 2nd of Summer Days...Today we started the morning by going to Town Creek Park and walked. We took some pictures along the way. Here's the boys while resting on…

See toddler climb out of bed…

See Momma say bye-bye to quiet nap times, See Momma say bye-bye to full night sleep, See Momma lose her sanity! Yes, yes, yes, Alex crawled out of the crib…
PSH Theme: Round

PSH Theme: Round

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is round. I chose this pic because of the soccer ball that's round.
1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

Here's Alex after having his first real haircut at the Barber Shop. He watched his Daddy and big brother get a haircut. When it was his turn, he sat up…

What a Great Weekend!

Sorry I've been MIA, but this past week has been hectic. Friday we had an Auburn Diamond Club banquet. Then, my dad, who I haven't seen since 2002 came to…
Happy Birthday, Drew!

Happy Birthday, Drew!

Today's Drew's 8th Birthday.... Then, Now, 8 years later!! Who would of thought he'd be such a heart throb! LOL!

Where did the weekend go?

*Yawn*...I'm so tired! The party with the 5 boys plus mine went pretty well. They enjoyed the surprise which was an Auburn basketball game. He wasn't thrilled with that at…

Weekend fun

Monday is my older son's 8th birthday...sheesh!! I can't believe it. Nothing like waiting to the last minute! So I've spent my afternoon calling moms to invite their sons to…

2nd Grade Disappointment

Friday night, Drew said, "Mom, you gotta look in my folder. There's something important in there!" I asked him to bring it to me and I found an envelope with…


I’m so tired. Today was a productive day! Yes, I say that with excitement because this week I’ve done pretty much…nothing. So today I had to get up early and take Drew to the dentist. He HATES going to the dentist, but he survived it and had NO cavities! Yay! They did say in 6 months when we go back they’ll probably have to pull some teeth, because he has lots of crowding going on. He will need braces regardless, but the pulling of teeth will help “cut the cost” when it does come time. The cost of braces will be coming straight out of OUR pockets so I’ll do whatever to help the cost go down. Those who also had some of their teeth pulled out may replace them with dental implants so they can still have a full smile. A visit to a dental implants specialist can help you restore your old beautiful smile.

Looking for a dentist in Honolulu? You should look at these guys now.

Conversation with a 7 year old

Drew was looking at our mice and said wow look at that guy! He's fat! I said, yah! I hope he's not pregnant! Drew said, well if he's pregnant we've…
The Trek to Tampa

The Trek to Tampa

Alright, I'm going to try and get caught up with my cruise stories. The first one consists of me, Drew, and Alex(the 3 of us) in the back seat of…
Take me out to the ballgame…

Take me out to the ballgame…

Here's pictures of Drews's baseball game tonight. You can click on any pictures to go see all the pictures I took on Flickr. The shirt he got is an ADULT…