Halloween 2006 Recap
Summer Days
See toddler climb out of bed…
PSH Theme: Round
1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop
What a Great Weekend!
Happy Birthday, Drew!
Where did the weekend go?
Weekend fun
2nd Grade Disappointment
I’m so tired. Today was a productive day! Yes, I say that with excitement because this week I’ve done pretty much…nothing. So today I had to get up early and take Drew to the dentist. He HATES going to the dentist, but he survived it and had NO cavities! Yay! They did say in 6 months when we go back they’ll probably have to pull some teeth, because he has lots of crowding going on. He will need braces regardless, but the pulling of teeth will help “cut the cost” when it does come time. The cost of braces will be coming straight out of OUR pockets so I’ll do whatever to help the cost go down. Those who also had some of their teeth pulled out may replace them with dental implants so they can still have a full smile. A visit to a dental implants specialist can help you restore your old beautiful smile.
Looking for a dentist in Honolulu? You should look at these guys now.