Where has the time gone? Drew is N I N E today! You don’t know how old that makes me feel. I’ve spent much of the day reflecting on this day 9 years ago. I look back and think how young and naive I was at the time, but SO didn’t realize it back then. I guess maybe when Alex turns 9, I’ll feel the same way about that time, too.

Now, here he is with his new pet that he got for his birthday.

Ohmygosh, he’s too cute for words! He’s going to be a heartbreaker, if he’s not already 🙂
Happy Birthday to the birthday boy!
Oh , good lord, I can’t stand to think that far ahead. It’ll happen in a blink, won’t it?
Happy Birthday!
OH MY – 9!!! That is soooo grown up! Jackson and I ahve a game we play. He sayds, “First I”ll turn five,” pauses for effect and for me to moan and wail, “then, six…” and on up until adulthood with my agony increasing with each number. He thinks it is a riot!
Tell me how the bunny thing goes – my son wants one. I got him a fish for Christmas, but one day he will want more!
THANKS for your congrats today 🙂
Awww, the new member of your family is adorable!!!
Happy belated 9th to your cute boy! I love the scrapbook page.