10 on the 10th::Birthday Edition

10 on the 10th::Birthday Edition

Hello, yall! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. Today saw where Joanne had written her 10 on the 10th post and decided to jump in and share about birthdays…
Week 44 [2021]

Week 44 [2021]

Happy November! Just 2 full weeks until Thanksgiving week! Do you have your turkey yet? The Braves won the World Series! So exciting! We had really hoped they'd win Sunday…

How is it?

...That I now have a 15 year old? I mean really! It blows my mind. Yesterday was Drew's birthday. We celebrated by going to Shogun, where we feasted on Japanese…

Birthday Shortcake

Just a quick shot of Drew before he started to eat his strawberry shortcake. The weekend was a bit busier than I had anticipated and I didn't get a chance…

Happy Birthday, Granddad!

Today would have been my Granddad's 86th birthday! May is such a difficult month for me for so many reason, which I won't get into right now. One reason is…

Party {eight 12 year olds}

I've had this post about half way done for awhile and am finally making myself finish. We did our traditional sleepover for Drew's birthday. 8 boys came this year. They…

Update…{well not so much}

I just can't seem to get in a groove of blogging. Well...if I think about it, I really can't get into a groove of anything! If that makes any sense!…
E L E V E N {how can that be?}

E L E V E N {how can that be?}

Today Drew is ELEVEN. I had to type that out to help it sink in. I just can't believe it's been that long. With this age comes a lot of…
Alex’s 4th Birthday

Alex’s 4th Birthday

We celebrated Alex's birthday the weekend after his birthday with some of Rob's family. We went to one of his and our favorite restaurants, Durango (Mexican). Here he is blowing…
Happy 4th Birthday, Alex!

Happy 4th Birthday, Alex!

My baby boy is 4 today! I know I always say this when the boys have birthdays but I can't help it. Time goes by way too fast! I decided…
Look what he got!

Look what he got!

Drew was excited to finally get a Nintendo DS! It's written all over his face. Still can't believe it's been 10 years already.
T E N today!!

T E N today!!

Drew is 10 today! He'll never be a single digit age again! His life in pictures... (not in any order) See all of my birthday posts here.


Well we survived the sleep over. It went great. I think they all had a great time. Lights out was at 2 am, but that didn't stop many of them…
T E N ?

T E N ?

How can my older son be turning 10 already? Where has the time gone? On Wednesday the 23rd, Drew will be TEN!!! He's got 7 boys over tonight for a…


Where has the time gone? Drew is N I N E today! You don't know how old that makes me feel. I've spent much of the day reflecting on this…
Happy Birthday, Drew!

Happy Birthday, Drew!

Today's Drew's 8th Birthday.... Then, Now, 8 years later!! Who would of thought he'd be such a heart throb! LOL!

Where did the weekend go?

*Yawn*...I'm so tired! The party with the 5 boys plus mine went pretty well. They enjoyed the surprise which was an Auburn basketball game. He wasn't thrilled with that at…

Weekend fun

Monday is my older son's 8th birthday...sheesh!! I can't believe it. Nothing like waiting to the last minute! So I've spent my afternoon calling moms to invite their sons to…