Last Day in New York

Last Day in New York

This will be my last post about our New York/Ontario trip. If you'd like to read the other posts from this trip click here>>> New York/Ontario Trip On our last…
Niagara Falls and Beyond

Niagara Falls and Beyond

If you missed my first post where we traveled to Toronto, Ontario, Canada from Rochester, NY and our adventures that day check this post out first >>> Toronto, Ontario, Canada…
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Today I'm continuing to talk about what we did on our Rochester, NY trip. This was our 3rd day. However, we got up ate breakfast at the hotel and drove…
Rochester, NY | Trip Report Day 2

Rochester, NY | Trip Report Day 2

Today I'm sharing with you our Day 2 of our Rochester, NY trip. That morning I dropped Rob off at his training and headed on over to the Erie Canal.…
Visit to the Eastman Museum [Rochester, NY]

Visit to the Eastman Museum [Rochester, NY]

Visit to the Eastman Museum [Rochester, NY] - If you're ever in Rochester, New York and you love beautiful homes, gardens and history, the George Eastman House is a must see! George Eastman is the founder of Kodak Films, so not only is this his former home, it's also home to the International Museum of Photography and Film (world's oldest museum dedicated to photography).
Rochester, NY | Trip Report Day 1

Rochester, NY | Trip Report Day 1

Back in August, Rob flew out to Rochester, NY on Sunday for some training. However, I didn't have enough vacation days so I couldn't fly out until Tuesday night. I…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {8.2016}

This month I was happy about: new beginnings. This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating system: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!…
Back to School Days

Back to School Time 2016

First day of 7th Grade for Alex. It's his last year in middle school! This is his first year in band so we got a couple pics with his trombone.…
West Coast:Day 1

West Coast Trip:Day 1

The day we left for Cali we got up, did a few things around the house, and headed to Atlanta to pick up Rob's brother who would then drive us…