Hawaiian Chicken Pizza

Hawaiian Chicken Pizza

One of my favorite pizza places is Marco’s and one of my families favorite pizzas from there is the Hawaiian Pizza. Here is my recipe for Hawaiian Chicken Pizza.

Hawaiian Chicken Pizza

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Fresh dough or refrigerated pizza dough
1/2 jar of pizza sauce
3 cups of mozzarella cheese
1 cup of chopped ham
6 slices of cooked bacon (not too done), chopped
1 cup of cooked, shredded chicken
1/2 cup of pineapple, chopped (squeeze juice out)

Buffalo Chicken Roll-Ups

Buffalo Chicken Roll-Ups

Recently when I made the Bacon Cheeseburger Roll-Ups, I decided it was too good to limit to just that. I was having a craving for buffalo chicken. This buffalo chicken roll-up recipe is so easy, whether you use the refrigerated dough or pre-make the homemade dough in the bread machine. I love that they are good for a lunch or dinner on the go, which with our busy schedules is wonderful!

Buffalo Chicken Roll-Up Recipe

Servings: 6
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

Well, it’s taken me forever to finally wrap up my Atlanta Staycation posts, but I’m finally getting to it. Yay!!

Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

If you recall, this year instead of doing our typical mountain trip we decided to stay closer to home and just spend a couple days in Atlanta. We stayed busy the 2 and half days we were there.

Cake Decorating Kits {Review}

Cake Decorating Kits {Review}

This week I'm reviewing My Cake Decorating Kits. I was given this opportunity because I'm part of the Alabama Women Bloggers Community. If you want to learn more about cake…

10 Tips for Long Distance Relationships

I’ve read several blogs lately of people who are in long distance relationships. It got me thinking back to the relationships that I was in back in college that were long distance. I am happy to say that the last long distance relationship I was in ended up in marriage! 🙂 17 years strong!

10 Tips for Long Distance Relationships

I thought I’d write a post about somethings that can make being a part a little easier as well as keeping each of you in check.

I’ll have to preface this by saying that I am a bit envious, as the internet was in it’s infancy when I met Rob. Cell phones weren’t something everyone owned at the time either. So being long distance was quite a bit more difficult 17-18 years ago.

Taco Seasoning Large Batch Recipe

Taco Seasoning Recipe {Large Batch}

The other day I was looking at the commercial brand taco seasoning container. I noticed on the ingredients list that it included all sorts of stuff that was not just seasoning. At that point, I decided to try and make my own Taco Seasoning Recipe to lessen the amount of all those extra chemicals, preservatives, etc that my family ingests. Every little bit helps, right?

Taco Seasoning Recipe {Large Batch} - Ever wanted to make your own taco seasoning? This post gives a taco seasoning recipe for a large batch to save in an airtight container.

Servings: 12
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes

He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

Yes, there was a time when my teenage son did not procrastinate. School started and some of my friends who have kids in high school, reminded me that homecoming this year is early. They mentioned that they were urging their sons to figure out who they were going to ask and go ahead and git er done (as we say in the South.)


Happy Anniversary! {17 Years}

Happy Anniversary, Rob! Today Rob and I are celebrating 17 years of marital bliss! I couldn't be happier to have spent this time with him through all the trials and…
letter to dad - a life lost to #ALS

letter to dad #1


Dear Dad,

Dad, I know you’re watching from Heavens above. That brings me comfort. Today I am home by myself getting some work done, 80’s music blaring in the back ground. You know 80’s music is by far my favorite music of all time. Now that you’re gone, though, sometimes it’s hard to listen to certain songs without just tearing up. And well sometimes just absolutely breaking down into tears like today. Memories of spending weekends with you, running errands, watching you talk on your bag phone back when having a bag phone was cool. I mean a “cell” phone in the 80’s? You were so cool! Especially to me.

Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {8.2014}

Here’s the end of the month summary for August. Where has this year gone?
Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: meh…I’m kind of indifferent to this question. Nothing really stood out to me for what I was happy about.

This month I was sad because of: the kids going back to school.

Something I accomplished this month was: …uhhh…don’t feel like I accomplished anything!

Homemade Applesauce {Crockpot}

Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce {Crockpot}

Nothing says fall more than apples! I decided to kick the weekend off with some Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce. For my first time making it, it turned out pretty well. Rob’s Gramma was the first person I ever met who makes her own applesauce. Maybe after a few times of making it, it will be as yummy as hers.

Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce {Crockpot}

Servings: 3-4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 4 hours

Life Lately #9…

Life Lately

It’s been over a month since I’ve done a “Life Lately” post. Ahh! Where did the time go? Did not realize it had been so long. So for this one, I’ll try to recap as much as I can remember from the last month.

Chick-fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce

Chick-fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce

This Chick-fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce recipe is the bomb! I love this stuff. If you have tried it, it comes with Chick-fil-A’s grilled chicken sandwich. Go try it today! Then, you’ll love it and then you’ll come back here, because you will not be able to go another day without putting it on everything! 😉

Chick-fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce

Homemade Rolls {Bread Machine}

Homemade Rolls {Bread Machine}

This recipe for homemade rolls is so easy. Just throw everything in the bread machine. Then, roll them out and bake them in the oven. I use this recipe for several different occasions.

Homemade Rolls {Bread Machine} Recipe

Servings: 24
Prep Time: 2 hours (depending on how long your bread machine takes)
Cooking Time: 20 minutes

1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup butter or 1/2 cup margarine, softened
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp. salt
4 cups bread flour
2 1/4 tsp. active dry yeast

Peach Salsa - Looking for a use for all the extra peaches you have left? This Peach Salsa is a great remedy for that issue. You will buy more peaches just so you can make more of this yummy twist on salsa.

Peach Salsa

Peach season is dawning its near, so I decided to finally give Peach Salsa a try. I was pleasantly surprised how good this was. I will definitely be making this again next summer!

Looking for a use for all the extra peaches you have left?  This Peach Salsa is a great remedy for that issue.  You will buy more peaches just so you can make more of this yummy twist on salsa.

Servings: 3-4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes

10 Things To Know About ALS - Education yourself and others.

10 Things To Know about ALS

I know y’all have all seen the ALS Bucket Challenge. Many of you probably participated in it and I’m so grateful. I’m grateful that something so silly as dumping ice water on your head is what leads to the awareness of one of the most horrible diseases out there. I am thankful for so many people giving money. Can you believe as of yesterday $41.8 Million has been raised? That is something to be thankful for. I’m hopeful that this will get researchers closer to a cure.

Zoo Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta

Another item on our to do list in Atlanta was the zoo. We’ve never been to Zoo Atlanta, well Rob has, but it’s been years ago. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Here’s some highlights from our afternoon there.

Zoo Atlanta

The zoo covers 40+ acres of which most of it is has nice shaded areas with lots of trees. I enjoyed the fact that many of the exhibits could be viewed from several different angles. That’s always important when you’re trying to find where some of the animals may be hiding.