ScoutFest at Auburn City Fest {2013}
The last rolling of these trees
Saying goodbye…
Arrow of Light Ceremony 2013
Loved her answer
Biloxi, MS
Last weekend we went to the Mississippi Coast. You see we were supposed to go see Elton John a few weeks ago in Birmingham. Rob and Drew had tickets on the 8th row and I along with another friend of ours had tickets not so close, but Elton ended up sick. So we got notification 2 hours before leaving that it was cancelled. So bummed! Rob’s been keeping an eye out for Elton concerts within driving distance that had good seat available. He found some in Biloxi on the 16th row. It was a bit pricey, so I told him that we could make it a family trip, but that Alex and I would stay back at the hotel and save us $400.
Saturday morning we got up at 4:30am and headed down that way. We stopped at Krispy Kreme for hot, fresh donuts.
We got there in time to do the first trip out of the day on the Biloxi Shrimp Boat. We did this back in 2003 when I was pregnant with Alex, so we thought it was time to do it again. It’s a short educational trip that demonstrates how shrimping is done with lots of great details. My favorite part of course is seeing all that is collected in the net.