Year in Review 2011

I recently saw a really cool blog post called "Year in Review" and I loved the way she did it, so I'm totally copying her. (Blog now removed) :) (This…
Adios 2011

Adios 2011

What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
Photographed a wedding

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I don’t think I really had any besides the same ones I always want to do.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Uhhhhhhh….I don’t think so. (hope I didn’t forget anyone.)

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my Grandmother


With the new year quickly approaching, I have so many blog entries to get wrapped up from this year. I am making headway on them. :) I also have some…

Headed the Chick-Fil-A Bowl

Well, I'm not, but Rob and Drew are. Drew had been begging to go to the bowl game and after Rob and I discussed it we decided to let that…

Christmas Day {2011}

Christmas Day was quite enjoyable. Rob and I woke around 9 am and couldn't believe the kids had let us sleep so long. We jumped out of bed and got…

Christmas Eve {2011}

Christmas Eve day was fairly busy. Not as busy at the 2 days before, but still a little busier than I would have preferred. But like this entire Christmas season,…

Merry Christmas!

Hoping that everyone out there in blogland has a blessed day tomorrow!
Our Tree {2011}

Our Tree {2011}

I promised you some pics of the tree decorated. So here ya go. She's a little on the short side and nice and wide. Yah, she fits riiiiight in. ;-)…

Handmade Gifts

I made these handmade gifts for my coworkers. They are super easy and super inexpensive. I think for a set of 4, it cost about $1.40. I had lots of…

Cherry Cordial M&M’s

Cherry Cordial M&M's are so amazing! I couldn't believe how much they taste like a chocolate covered cherry without the juice of the cherry. If you like Chocolate covered cherries,…


I usually don't write about politics. I'm not really one to publicly voice my opinions about stuff like this, but I'm really the need to vent right now. I'm on…
Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree

This weekend has been a whirl-wind of activity! Nothing like the holidays. :) Here's pics of us getting our Christmas tree. This year we found a new Christmas tree farm,…

Listening to that “Little” Voice

Today started out like any other day. Kids up, back to bed, sleep, up for lunch, then off to work... As I was walking into work, a colleague of mine,…

Christmas Survey 2011

I did this survey back in 2005, but decided to do it again when I saw someone else post it. Click here to see how my answers have changed over…

Fill in the Blank Friday 12.2.11

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I love soaking up all that the Christmas season has to offer, from the smells, the decorations, the food, Christmas movies,…

Thanksgiving Week 2011

Well, I survived the Thanksgiving week. I was supposed to work 9-6 Monday and Tuesday. Saturday night, I felt drainage down in my throat, so I went to look for…