Christmas Survey 2011

By | December 7, 2011

I did this survey back in 2005, but decided to do it again when I saw someone else post it. Click here to see how my answers have changed over the years.

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? I’ve never tried eggnog. Maybe I’ll do that this year. There’s just something about it that sounds and/or looks so unappealing. Hot coco, although, I’m not big on hot drinks, anyway.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Wrapped, sometimes he may bring one thing that’s not wrapped.

3. Colored lights or white? Combination of both

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but that would be fun.

5. When do you decorate for Christmas? When we have time. Either the 1st or 2nd weekend in December. This year I was ready the day after Thanksgiving, but the stuff wasn’t pulled down from the attic…and it’s still not pulled down, so nothing has been done. (FYI: I can’t pull the stuff down. That’s Rob and Teenager’s job.)

6. What is your favorite holiday dish, excluding dessert? I love our tradition that Rob and I started. Homemade pasta. 🙂 Love the smell of the sauce cooking all day long.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? I have so many great memories, because my Granddad was such a sucker when it came to Christmas. He loved it! I think one of my fav memories was in December, before school got out for the holiday break, Santa would come visit during the day and drop off wrapped gifts under the tree. Yah, Santa liked me so much he visited early. haha

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What do you mean? I’ve always known the truth. Santa is real!

9. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? White and colored lights. A hodge-podge of ornaments from my youth, my kids, ornaments from my Grandparents had on our tree, no rhyme or reason to any of it. Last year someone gave us a fake tree that is now our Auburn Tree, which has orange, blue, and white lights, with orange and blue ornaments along with all of our Auburn ornaments.

10. Snow. Love it or hate it? Love it!

11. Can you ice skate? Heck, no!

12. Do you remember your favorite gift? I have so many memories of great gifts. I’ll never forget the year, my grandparents spent endless hours looking for each of the Care Bears, the little plastic ones with moving arms and legs. I thought it was so awesome that I got every single one of them. In those days you couldn’t buy something like that in a premade set.

13. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? I love it all. I love preparing good food, having beautiful decorations, nice presents for everyone, happy children.

14. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Granny’s fudge

15. What is your favorite holiday tradition? The tradition that I have with my family now is going to the Christmas tree farm and riding on the hay ride to go pick out and cut down our tree. The sad thing is, is that places around here aren’t growing the Virginia Pines much anymore, so we may not be doing that tradition any more.

16. What tops your tree? Either a flickering star or an doll Angel

17. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? I love giving. I put lots of thought into what everyone gets and it’s fun finding the perfect gift.

18. What is your favorite Christmas song? Carol of the Bells by Trans Siberian Orchestra (saw them in concert last weekend!)

19. Candy canes. Yuck or yum? Yum, when I’m in the mood. Although, these days there’s all different flavors, not just peppermint, which makes them even more fun.

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