By | December 28, 2011

With the new year quickly approaching, I have so many blog entries to get wrapped up from this year. I am making headway on them. 🙂 I also have some New Year’s post to get done. With all that I’ve also been thinking about the 365 {photography} project. I was unsuccessful in finishing it out this year. Although, each year I get farther and farther into the year, which is good. Maybe that’s the reason I can’t give up on it. I’m curious if y’all plan to do another year of 365, well actually 2012 will be 366??

I did see a 366 project hosted by Naptime Momtog and Chic Home School Mama.

Excerpt about the project from Chic Homeschool Mama:
So together we will now be your gracious hosts of the new Project 366 Rewind!! (Yes you read that right – 366- it’s a leap year) Each Monday we will post our photos from the previous week- only there will be a twist. We will be adding the fun of a prompt or two each week to give you all a little added motivation & inspiration to get out there & take some pics every day. Not all 7 photos have to follow the prompt- but we encourage you to try to include the prompt in at least 1. You also don’t have to post 7 pics each week – but as many as you can is always a good thing. It is a great way to practice & get to know your camera.

Here’s the rules:
* Post your week in pics on Mondays- they can be in the form of a collage or separate.
* Including the weekly prompts is optional
* Our button must be present in your post
* Please visit some other blogs & leave some love & encouragement.
* Submit the URL of your blog post or Flickr entries- not your home page.

I’m thinking of giving this a try. I think I may do better not posting every single day and being able to do them all in one post on Mondays. AND if I miss a day it’s not a big deal…

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