Party {eight 12 year olds}

I've had this post about half way done for awhile and am finally making myself finish. We did our traditional sleepover for Drew's birthday. 8 boys came this year. They…

K-mart Conversation

So while at K-mart shopping for a birthday gift for a classmate of Alex's...We've picked out the gift just had to get her a card since he insisted on it!…

Butterfinger Cake

Servings: 16 Prep Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 box German Chocolate Cake Mix (use directions on box) 5 Butterfinger candy bars 1 jar caramel ice cream…

Living Positively & Happily

Yesterday's sermon was over 2 of the 4 Biblical principles that our Preacher lives by daily. It was again another one of those sermons that I needed to hear. The…

Letter to Drew

Dear Drew, Today is your birthday. You are a DOZEN today. Your last year before teenhood. Scary thought?...yes, very much so. This past year have brought many changed for you.…

7 Random Things About Me

Sharing 7 random things about me today. 1. Rob and I have made a commitment in 2010 to go to church and Sunday School every week. 2. We also just…

My Fav Pics from 2009

I went through all 11,000 pics I took last year! I narrowed it down to about 90 something and then had to choose from there. It was fun and a…

T-Shirt Pillow

I have a box of old T-shirts that the boys have grown out of that I just couldn't bare to throw or give away. Since I've been trying to do…