This month I was happy about:
Things feeling a little more normal with college football starting and activities like soccer and scouts ramping back up for fall. Also glad we’ve been blessed with some cooler days.
This month I was sad about:
Not sad about much or that I can remember, which is good!
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time
Movies I watched were:
The Lost Husband (Netflix) with my celebrity crush, Josh Duhamel ♥ ♥
TV Shows I watched were:
Trinkets (Netflix) – Season 1 & 2 ✓ ✓
Friday Night Lights (NBC App) – Season 1 ✓ ✓ – rewatching
YouTube channels I watched were:
Since writing this post I wrote an entire post about my current YouTube loves >>> YouTube Channel Favorites – Fall 2020
Rob and I watched:
The Office (Netflix) – Season 4 ♥ – getting much better.
America’s Got Talent ✓ ✓
Ted Lasso (Apple TV) ♥ ♥ – I thought it was going to be so cheesy over the top, but it’s not. It is funny and heart-warming.
Truth Be Told (Apple TV) ♥ ♥
The Morning Show (Apple TV) ♥ ♥ We finished season 1. F-bomb every other word and some heavy content, but still you can’t stop watching.
Podcasts I listened to:
Blood Ties Season 2
The Dating Game Killer
That Creative Life
The Millennial Life Crisis
Driving the Green Book
My favorite song this month was:
What I remember about work was:
Having Madalyn back! She’s one of our former students who graduated and we brought her back as a temp employee.
A lesson I learned this month was:
Endoscopies make your throat hurt!
A friend and I:
saw each other at her work (my eye doctor) and we chatted about trying to get Cookbook Club meeting again.
My favorite pic that I took was:

The favorite thing I cooked was:
Chili Soup and Cornbread
Drew: started an internship with Alabama Rural Ministries (ARM), but is still on the hunt for a full time job.
Alex: busy with school, work, soccer, and scouts. Trying to pull his grades up.
Rob: has been working from home on Mondays and Tuesdays and loves it now that he has a dedicated office.
The thing I’ll remember most from this month was:
In case you missed my “The Weekly” Posts, here’s the ones I wrote for September:
Look back at last month.
I look forward to hearing more about your youtube viewing. This post reminds me that I need to watch my Apple+ – we got a one year subscription when we bought Grace’s laptop, and I haven’t used it yet!
Same with us. We recently bought Alex a laptop and go the year free. They have some really good shows.
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