I know I keep saying it, but man, this year has been so busy so far. How are we already more than half way done with January? I was looking back to see when my last “The Weekly” post was, which was from back in December!
My iPhone camera is dying and so I have quit taking pictures with it. I’m supposed to be getting a new phone through my work, but there’s some type of delay with it. Anyway, so this post usually includes pics from my iPhone. Although the last several months, most pics are from one of my other cameras. With the new year and the business of being in the office pictures have only really been taken for my iSpy posts. #1 #2
So going all the way back to the week after Christmas, we went on a little beach getaway >> After Christmas Getaway 2020.

I think I mentioned before that our older son, Drew and his girlfriend got tested for COVID on New Year’s Day and tested positive. Here they are! What a way to start the New Year! I’m happy to say after 2 rough weeks of quarantine and all the textbook symptoms, they are much better. Back to normal. Drew back at work and Caitlyn back to school and seeing clients for her internship.

I spent the last week of our Christmas break reading my new books. I’m reading
The VeryVera Cookbook: Recipes from My Table, which was a gift from one of my sweet friends. This book talks about how she got where she is now and her influences from our Grandmother. She talked about the recipe cards she had that were her grandmother’s. That got me just feeling nostalgic wishing I had old cookbooks or recipe cards from my Grandparents. I am happy to have copies of my Granny’s recipes.

At one of my Bridal showers back before Rob and I got married, everyone was supposed to bring their favorite recipe so I could add it to a new Recipe Card box my aunt got me. I have decided to go through and handwrite all of my favorite recipes. Even though I have all my recipes on here, I think it’s really cool to have something handwritten handed down to Grandkids.

I mentioned
before about my clear ultrasound. That was a great way to start the year. Although my doctor wants my gynecologist to look at to see if I need surgery even though they said the lumps are not of concern. I have an appointment at the end of February to see my doctor about that. Anyone have experience with this? I’m like if the lumps aren’t hurting or bothering me and there’s no reason that they think they could turn to cancer, why do I need surgery!!

This last weekend Drew and Buster came over several days and hung out. Since he had been on quarantine we haven’t seen him in nearly 3 weeks. I had really missed him. So I was very happy to see them.

I think that sums up the last few weeks. Not too much going on besides lots of work and getting back into the routine of life after the holidays. How’s January going for you so far?
Linking up with:
Glad your son and his girlfriend are over the virus and able to resume normal life…whatever that looks like these days.
I would question having surgery, too. Maybe get a second opinion? My daughter had an adenoma when she was just 18…scared us to death! It was growing so quickly that they didn’t wait to biopsy it, they just removed it and then biopsied. Could that be why they want to remove the masses you have? Hers did hurt, as I recall. I had masses that they did biopsy and then watch for several years without mentioning surgery. The masses finally were absorbed by the body and don’t show up now. Just the little marker shows up inside my breast where they did the biopsy. I think it might be a good idea to have someone better explain things to you or provide you with a second opinion.
Yeah, I’m definitely curious to see what the Gyno says. Unless he gives me strong, compelling reasons, its a no go for me!
I’m glad your son and his girlfriend are okay now. What a unnerving time for all of you.
And I have no experience with lumps but I would echo Leslie’s comment about getting a second opinion if possible. If it doesn’t feel right to you, get another answer.
We’ll see what the gyno says. Hopefully he thinks my regular doctor is crazy and sees no reason for it.
So glad your son and his girlfriend are feeling better.
I wish I had my grandmother’s old recipes– one in particular as I loved her mac and cheese with tomatoes!!
Thank you! Yeah, my Great Aunt made a chocolate roll cake that was so amazing and I’ve seen lots of variations online. I’m just too scared to try it honestly.
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