1. What's a talent you wish you had? I remember my Grandmother always wished she had a beautiful singing voice and now I have the same wish. 2. In one…
1. Spring is officially upon us, no matter what the weather may be in your neck of the woods. Is there any 'spring cleaning' on your to-do list? What's your…
1. Thursday is National Pi Day...are you good at math? What was the last thing you had to calculate? Did you use your head or technology? Last slice of pie…
1. February is coming to a close. Give us a two-word phrase that tells us something about how yours went. "Many appointments" ...I have had I think 4 drs appointments…
1. What kind of thinker are you - doer (concrete thinking), analyst (analytical and abstract thinking), orator (logical thinking), inventor (imaginative thinking), or original thinker (creative)? What makes you say…
1. Something you've waited for recently? Waiting for TV shows to come back on, since the strike. Most of my shows will start back this month or next. 2. What's…
1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)? How often do you work a puzzle? I like puzzles ok. My younger…