Newest Member of the Family
Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home
Daisy::Our Newest Addition
Meet the newest edition to our family. This beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi is Daisy. Some of you may recognize her if you read Tracy’s blog. I “met” her when I started doing the Mommytography project. She commented on my header, which you’ll notice has a Corgi on it. I responded in saying that we were currently Corgi-less, because Rosie passed away last year. Never did I think she would respond saying that she had a Corgi that she would like to find a good home for. I talked it over with Rob and after talking back and forth with Tracy through email, we decided that Daisy sounded like a great fit for our family. It just so happens that Tracy lives in Alabama, so we arranged to meet halfway today.