Remembering Daisy

Remembering Daisy

On Jan. 2nd, we had to take Daisy in. Let me back up since I don't think I've been able to tell you that in early December, we had to…
Newest Member of the Family

Newest Member of the Family

Family Friday {New Pet Edition} For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you know about the newest addition to the family. Yes, I think hell has frozen over,…
Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home

Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home

**Yes, another picture of Daisy. I just can't help myself. She is so photogenic and doesn't mind the camera, unlike Rosie who would practically run away when she saw me…
Daisy::Our Newest Addition

Daisy::Our Newest Addition

Meet the newest edition to our family. This beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi is Daisy. Some of you may recognize her if you read Tracy’s blog. I “met” her when I started doing the Mommytography project. She commented on my header, which you’ll notice has a Corgi on it. I responded in saying that we were currently Corgi-less, because Rosie passed away last year. Never did I think she would respond saying that she had a Corgi that she would like to find a good home for. I talked it over with Rob and after talking back and forth with Tracy through email, we decided that Daisy sounded like a great fit for our family. It just so happens that Tracy lives in Alabama, so we arranged to meet halfway today.

Rosie: 1997-2010

If you follow me on facebook, you are aware of how the last couple of weeks have gone. So very busy with school starting and all that goes with that.…

Show Us Your Life {Pets}

Today is Show Us Your Life, Pets edition. Here is Rosie, who is are Pebroke Welsh Corgi. We've had her for about 9 years. We were living in our first…

Update on Oreo

I called this morning to check on Oreo and they said he was eating and jumping around. Yesterday he wouldn't move hardly at all and just laid out. They said…
Prayers needed

Prayers needed

Drew called me while I was driving home, saying he thought Oreo (his rabbit) was dead. He was crying and it was very traumatic. I got home and looked at…

This is Priceless

Ok, so Drew or Rob usually feed the dog. We have a big Rubbermaid container at the bottom of the pantry where we keep her food. We keep a plastic…

Conversation with a 7 year old

Drew was looking at our mice and said wow look at that guy! He's fat! I said, yah! I hope he's not pregnant! Drew said, well if he's pregnant we've…

A Mouse in the House…

I forgot to tell ya yesterday that yesterday morning when I got up and went into the bathroom, I was holding my breath. Knowing that a mouse might be on…