Unfried Chicken
Blue & Gold Banquet
Oatmeal Cookies {Soft & Chewy}
Fat Free Honey Mustard Sauce
Alex’s 11th Birthday Party
Fort Myers River District
Mini Breakfast Pies
Alex’s 11th Birthday
Shepherd’s Pie
Spicy Sausage and Potato Soup {Crockpot}
Happy Peanut Butter Lover’s Day!
Memories of the Month {3.2014}
This month I was happy about: starting my new daytime hours.
This month I was sad about: just still really missing me Dad.
Something I accomplished this month was: getting used to working like normal people.
Liebster Award
More thoughts…and pics of Dad
I received my Dad’s ashes a couple of weeks ago. I’m thankful to have them in my possession now. So I’ve started to casually look at the costs of going down to the Florida Keys, where he wanted to be spread. I am thankful to have one loose end taken care of and I hope to have more closure when we take this trip. I’ll share more about that as it comes about. I am thankful he picked somewhere beautiful and tropical.
I just continue to find myself grasping for something when it comes to missing Dad. I am missing him more than ever now, which I suppose is natural. My cousin and uncle sent several pics of my Dad from Christmas Day. I am so thankful for these are the last photos taken of Dad.
Pics of my Uncle Guy showing my Dad the pet hedgehog.
Family Date Night
A few weeks ago, we left work early, checked the kids out of school, and drove up to Atlanta for a night at the Fox. After getting up to Atlanta, we parked and decided to walk around a bit before figuring out where we would eat dinner.
We walked by this beautiful church, All Saints Episcopal Church and decided to go inside.
Good News!

So the other day, I eluded to the fact that I had some exciting news! Although, it shouldn’t effect my blogging at all, my family will totally benefit from it. My 2nd shift (3pm-12am) shifts are no more!! I am taking on a new role at work, which enables me to be a normal human being and work normal 8-5 hours! Can I get a Hallelujah?