Tag Archives: march 2023

Week 12::2023

By | April 3, 2023

Happy Monday yall! Let’s jump straight in for week 12 highlights (March 20-26, 2023). Monday Not sure how many of you know what’s going on with the Methodist church. You may have heard rumblings of different churches ‘disaffiliating’ from the United Methodist church. My church is finally beginning to entertain the idea of allowing discussions… Read More »

Week 11::2023

By | March 21, 2023

Hey yall! How’s everyone today? Here we are for another week of highlights. Finally got some seeds started. These are the new seeds I got for this year. Seeing this cutie every morning never gets old. Wild hair Rob’s grandfather passed away on Thursday at his home in Florida. He was 93. It’s been a… Read More »

Week 10::2023

By | March 13, 2023

March 6-12, 2023 Monday Wisteria on my walk – Invasive, but pretty Tuesday Killer sunset on Alex’s 19th birthday Got home from my walk and Alex and Madison were out the house. They warmed up leftovers and hung out until they left for the movies. They saw Knock at the Cabin. Wednesday Wednesday we celebrated… Read More »