Tag Archives: march 2010

Spring is…

By | March 28, 2010

really teasing us. After one of the coldest winters we’ve had, we are SO ready for spring. I took these pictures last weekend while we were in Baton Rouge visiting family. Candi has this beautiful tree in her yard. I’d like to add some of these to our yard someday.

Spring Break 2010

By | March 23, 2010

This spring break we just hung out. When it wasn’t raining, the boys and I went outside to ride bikes and play. The 2nd weekend of SB we went to Baton Rouge to visit family. We always look forward to Cajun food when we head over that way. We went to Chimes on Sunday after… Read More »

The Little Girl in Me

By | March 17, 2010

For some reason, Rob gets an American Girl catalog. Oh, I just get all giddy looking through it. It’s a good thing they weren’t around when I was little. I’m not sure I would have had a collection of them like I did with Cabbage Patch dolls, but I sure would have like to have!… Read More »

Conversation {Tails}

By | March 14, 2010

This little conversation came after Alex asked me if it was cold outside. Alex: Rosie must get cold. She doesn’t have a tail. Me: That’s right. Alex: Don’t most animals have tails? Me: Yah Alex: Are there any humans that have a tail? Me: No, we don’t have a need for a tail like animals… Read More »


By | March 7, 2010

How can it be? I just swoon when I see this pic of my little guy. How I miss the tiny-ness of holding a newborn. There’s nothing holding a little piece of you. Someone you created… Someone; a baby that grew inside of you. Someone that relies on you 100%… There’s just nothing like it!… Read More »

Food Rules

By | March 6, 2010

My last week at the library I saw this book, flipped through it, and decided to check it out. I loved that it was short, sweet, and to the point. It outlines 63 rules about food. A lot of it is common sense, but I think for a lot of us we have lost our… Read More »