Weekend Highlights

Weekend Highlights

I got back from Texas on Wednesday, but has already put in for time off on Thursday and Friday as well. Thursday to recover and Friday to take Rob for…
Winter Recipe Bucket List

Winter Recipe Bucket List

Hey yall! Well we're already a month into Winter and here I am just now posting some lists for Winter. That's ok. We still have about 2 months left of…
Fall Food Bucket List

Fall Food Bucket List

Raise your hand if fall is your favorite season. Raise your hand if you are in a cooking rut like me. My friend, Leslie over at Once Upon a Time…
Reducing Your Food Waste

Reducing Your Food Waste

Image Source</font size> Reports suggest that around one-third of the food that we buy ends up getting wasted. We buy far more than we need. We cook huge portions which…
Great Ways of Saving Money on Food

Great Ways of Saving Money on Food

The cost of living is growing every year, and some modern families are struggling to keep up with this. As such, it is increasingly important to come up with ideas…
Enchilada Stack

Enchilada Stack

Cinco De Mayo is just around the corner, so I'm rolling out a few Mexican recipes for you to consider for your Cinco De Mayo menu. My family doesn't like…
My Happy Plates

My Happy Plates

One of the biggest things in my daily life I struggle with is knowing what to cook for dinner. I think for most busy folks we're constantly on the go…
Atlanta to San Juan

Atlanta to San Juan

The day we left for San Juan, we got up with the kids and saw them off to school before finishing up with our packing and running a few errands.…

Newton’s Fruit Thins

My most recent taste test item was the Newton's Fruit Thins. They sent me the Fig & Honey flavored cookies. They have a really good taste, nothing overwhelming. These thin…