Christmas Decor – Part 3

Christmas Decor – Part 3

This edition of my Christmas Decor showcases my Auburn decorations. This is an Auburn candy cane, which I keep hanging on the microwave stand year round! I guess I should…
Christmas Decor – Part 2

Christmas Decor – Part 2

I just can't seem to get into a groove of writing like I'd hoped. We've been busy buying for Christmas, planning the menu, etc! Oh the joys of CHRISTMAS! Anyway,…
Christmas Decor – Part 1

Christmas Decor – Part 1

So the other day, I talked about pulling out all the Christmas stuff and this year I really had time to reflect as I carefully unwrapped each item. I figured…
Thinking of Christmas

Thinking of Christmas

I'm still in awe that it's the Christmas season. A couple days ago Rob pulled down all the Christmas stuff. It's amazing how our stuff seems to multiply every year.…
Atlanta Weekend with the Family

Atlanta Weekend with the Family

I haven't had a chance to write about last weekend. We headed up to Atlanta for the weekend. We stayed at The Westin Peachtree Plaza, which was lovely. The views…

Finger Painting

I thought I posted this last week, but I guess I got side tracked. Here are the boys painting, but I think Alex thought it was body paint instead of…
13 Things about my Granddad (TT #10)

13 Things about my Granddad (TT #10)

Thirteen memories of Granddad!

1. Playing games with him
2. Going shopping with him
3. Taking the 6 hour drive to Texas Tech each year
4. Having to call and tell him I’d left Texas Tech and that I was in Alabama
5. Helping him organize the 19 pills he had to take after his open heart surgery while I was in high school
6. That he was always at my band performances and dance team events
7. How he taught me to save money
8. How he taught me to organized and keep good records
9. His love for me and his 4 sons, and Grandmother
10. His generousity
11. Traveling with him on his business trips
12. His love for a good ole “Coca-cola”
13. Our summer vacations together

Visit with Dad

My Dad recently came to visit and it was great! Here's a few pics from that weekend.

Christmas Traditions

Lisanne (blog now removed) recently wrote a beautiful post about Christmas traditions. It’s great having wonderful family traditions to look back on. Christmas was always my Grandfather’s favorite time of year. Each year as we decorate the house with all of our decorations, tears roll down my face as I think about Granddad and how he would get into the Christmas spirit. He had such a generous heart and he loved to buy for others. It didn’t matter what he got, because he got such a thrill when Grandmother and I were excited about our gifts. Some family traditions that we used to do were: