So the other day, I talked about pulling out all the Christmas stuff and this year I really had time to reflect as I carefully unwrapped each item. I figured I’d start by talking about the things from my Paternal Grandparents. I’m sure I’ve talked about it before, but for anyone who’s new here, I’ll say it again. My Paternal Grandparents raised me. They were granted custody of me when I was about 3 or so. My weekends were split between home, mom, and dad. But…that’s a whole ‘nother blog or two. We’ll just leave it at the understatement that my Paternal Grandparents played a huge part in my life. My Granddad passed away in 1999 and I talked about him before about his generous nature. My Grandmother is still here and has a special place in my heart too and I probably don’t give her enough credit. I’ll quit rambling about them and get on with my decorations, which was the point of this blog entry, right?
This first decoration was given to me one Christmas and I’ll have to say I actually can’t put a time on it. These are clowns (to go with my Clown collection), which I guess I need to talk about one day too! I just find it adorable that they’re about to kiss as the daddy clown holds up the mistletoe!

Under the Mistletoe; An Ingrid Design 1998
The next one my Grandparents gave me when I was at Texas Tech, living in the dorm. This is called the Elf Dormitory, so my Granddad put the name of my dorm above the door, if you look real close you’ll see it says COLEMAN HALL. They loved to send me surprises while I was away at Tech and this came in early December of my freshmen year to put a little Christmas cheer in my dorm room as I studied for my first set of finals!

Santa’s Town at North Pole 1995
The next two are stuffed Christmas decorations; one a Santa and the other an elf. These are getting to be on their last Christmas or two. They’re hand-me-downs from the Grandparents and I’m not sure if you can tell but the elf has now lost his nose and Santa has a few chew marks from some menacing rodents (which again is nother entry to be written some other day!)

So this is the start of my Tour of Homes at Christmas time. I’d love for you to share some of your cherished memories of Christmas decor, so leave a comment and I’ll come read. 🙂
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