4 Wheelin’
Colonial Day
At the Farm
Homecoming 2014
How did Drew ask Caitlyn to homecoming?
Drew and his beautiful date, Caitlyn, both looked amazing for Homecoming 2014 a few weeks ago. We met up with another couple that they were going to homecoming with for pictures at a hidden spot on campus that not too many people know about called Memorial Gardens.
He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}
Yes, there was a time when my teenage son did not procrastinate. School started and some of my friends who have kids in high school, reminded me that homecoming this year is early. They mentioned that they were urging their sons to figure out who they were going to ask and go ahead and git er done (as we say in the South.)
Back to School {2014}
Saying Goodbye to Summertime…
Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014
The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, we loaded up the car, with the best camping gifts for a fun weekend of camping on the lake with the F@rrow Family. Among our essentials, we also brought along this Mini Katana for our camping adventure.
Drew and his friend, Joe, who the 2nd eldest child of the F@rrow bunch, got to the lake early afternoon. When we arrived they had all of the tents set up. The big canopy tent for us to use for shade as well as the cooking area. Since we had some of the cooking gear with us, they helped unload that and quickly took to the task of cooking dinner for all of us.
That evening we enjoyed our dinner of yellow rice with summer sausage prepared by the ever so awesome 16 year olds! Then, we just sat back and relaxed, while some of us took a dip in the lake to cool off.
New Driver in the House
I snapped a few shots of my excited Drew after he was finally able to get his driver’s license today. He turned 16 a week and a half ago, but was waiting on the “Gold” card from the state. He took driver’s ed the 2nd 9 weeks and at the end of the class, which ended after Christmas break, he was able to take the Driver’s Test with his Driver’s ed teacher instead of at the DMV. The “Gold” card has to be sent from Montgomery and it didn’t make in time for his birthday.
So this morning we got up at the crack-o-dawn to get a good spot in line at the DMV. There was a group of Mexicans infront of us, but it turned out they didn’t have all the proper paperwork, so we didn’t have to wait that long.
Court of Honor
Memories of the Month {11.2013}
This month I was happy about: just life in general. Excited for the impending holidays.
This month I was sad about: my Dad’s diagnosis.
Something I accomplished this month was: flying out to see my Dad.