Tag Archives: Caitlyn

Memories of the Month {7.2015}

By | August 4, 2015

This month I was happy about: getting a new camera and lens!! Rating system for books & movies: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see! ♥ = Really good! Highly recommend. ✓ ✓ = Good, not great. ✓ = Not much to talk about. X = Awful. Total waste of time. Movies I watched… Read More »

Caitlyn is a Graduate!

By | June 5, 2015

Family Friday {Graduation Edition} Drew’s girlfriend, Caitlyn, graduated from AHS last week! We are so proud of her. Graduation was held at Auburn University’s Auburn Arena where they play basketball, as well as where Auburn University graduation takes place. We can’t wait to see her walk across the stage there again in 4 or 5… Read More »

Memories of the Month {4.2015}

By | April 30, 2015

This month I was happy about: that something miraculous happened and now my blogs are working normally. *fingers crossed* This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see! ♥ = Really good! Highly recommend. ✓ ✓ = Good, not great ✓ =… Read More »

Prom 2015

By | April 24, 2015

Family Friday A couple weeks ago, my heart cringed with angst as I took pictures of this handsome young man and his beautiful girlfriend before releasing them into the jaws of the Junior/Senior right of passage called PROM. In the back of my mind, I feel like it was just a couple years ago that… Read More »

Christmas 2014

By | December 29, 2014

Family Friday {Christmas edition} Christmas came and went so fast. We enjoyed our normal breakfast of apple dumplins and sausage balls. Opened gifts and then, Rob started preparing our Christmas dinner of homemade meatballs, sauce, and pasta. We had a scaled down Christmas and I was happy that everyone was just as happy. Drew got… Read More »

Homecoming 2014

By | October 8, 2014

How did Drew ask Caitlyn to homecoming? Drew and his beautiful date, Caitlyn, both looked amazing for Homecoming 2014 a few weeks ago. We met up with another couple that they were going to homecoming with for pictures at a hidden spot on campus that not too many people know about called Memorial Gardens.