Graduation Weekend

Caitlyn’s Graduation Weekend

I wanted to write a quick post and share some pics of Drew's girlfriend, Caitlyn's graduation weekend. The week before graduation Caitlyn and I went out and ended up doing…
Trombones vs. Trumpets 2017

Trombones vs. Trumpets 2017

Sunday was the Annual Bodie Bowl, where the trombones and trumpets wage war on the football field. The intense rivalry begins on the marching field every August when the band…
Prom 2016

Prom 2016

Prom was a few weeks ago. The morning was busy with one Drew's friend's Eagle Courts of Honor and Alex had a soccer game luckily it was a home game.…
Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

This past weekend was Homecoming. It was just Drew and me and home. Drew got dressed and we went over to the Baird's house for pictures and then dinner. I…
Band-O-Rama 2015

Band-O-Rama 2015

There are many sights and sounds that go with start of Fall. One of my favorite things about Fall is football and the sounds of the marching bands. At the…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {7.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting a new camera and lens!! Rating system for books & movies: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see! ♥ = Really good!…
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Family Friday {Graduation Edition} Drew's girlfriend, Caitlyn, graduated from AHS last week! We are so proud of her. Graduation was held at Auburn University's Auburn Arena where they play basketball,…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {4.2015}

This month I was happy about: that something miraculous happened and now my blogs are working normally. *fingers crossed* This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's…
Prom 2015

Prom 2015

Family Friday A couple weeks ago, my heart cringed with angst as I took pictures of this handsome young man and his beautiful girlfriend before releasing them into the jaws…

Christmas 2014

Family Friday {Christmas edition} Christmas came and went so fast. We enjoyed our normal breakfast of apple dumplins and sausage balls. Opened gifts and then, Rob started preparing our Christmas…

Auburn Christmas Parade

On this Christmas Eve, many of us are busy hustling around getting last minute shopping trips, wrapping gifts, and cooking. I'm guilty of all three, I'm afraid. I thought I…
4 Wheelin’

4 Wheelin’

Family Friday {4-Wheeler Edition} Earlier this month, we enjoyed a nice time visiting with one of our good friends, Mr. Paul, at his place. We enjoyed lunch at the Broadway…
At the Farm

At the Farm

Family Friday {At the Farm edition} A few weekends ago my family and I enjoyed part of our Saturday at our friend's Tony farm. Most years we go and hang…
He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

Yes, there was a time when my teenage son did not procrastinate. School started and some of my friends who have kids in high school, reminded me that homecoming this year is early. They mentioned that they were urging their sons to figure out who they were going to ask and go ahead and git er done (as we say in the South.)