Posted inLife
Caitlyn’s Graduation Weekend
I wanted to write a quick post and share some pics of Drew's girlfriend, Caitlyn's graduation weekend. The week before graduation Caitlyn and I went out and ended up doing…
...and everything in between.
How did Drew ask Caitlyn to homecoming?
Drew and his beautiful date, Caitlyn, both looked amazing for Homecoming 2014 a few weeks ago. We met up with another couple that they were going to homecoming with for pictures at a hidden spot on campus that not too many people know about called Memorial Gardens.
Yes, there was a time when my teenage son did not procrastinate. School started and some of my friends who have kids in high school, reminded me that homecoming this year is early. They mentioned that they were urging their sons to figure out who they were going to ask and go ahead and git er done (as we say in the South.)