Homecoming 2015

By | October 12, 2015

This past weekend was Homecoming. It was just Drew and me and home. Drew got dressed and we went over to the Baird’s house for pictures and then dinner. I prepared Buffalo Chicken Meatballs for an appetizer that I served with ranch, celery, and carrots. I’ll be posting that recipe soon. Anyway, I got lots of great pictures.

Homecoming 2015

The guys looking quite dapper.
Homecoming 2015

And lovely ladies…
Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Drew & Caitlyn
Homecoming 2015

Kyle & Hannah
Homecoming 2015

Brannen & Lindsay
Homecoming 2015

The homecoming dance theme was Masquerade, so a few of the kids brought masks.
Homecoming 2015

We had lots of fun taking these pics.
Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Two of these ladies are college gals now…any guesses which ones?
Homecoming 2015

They wanted silly, fun poses and for the life of us this is all we could come up with.
Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Two poses copied from Prom.
Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Back to the house for appetizers and shortly after this I ducked out and went back home because I had a pile of work waiting for me.
Homecoming 2015

Here’s a couple out-takes that I liked.

Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

Homecoming 2015

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