Fill in the Blank Friday 4.29.11

I found a fun new "meme" on This Life is Sweet yesterday and decided it would be fun. Fill in the Blank Fridays originates from The Little Things We Do.…
Give Blood

Give Blood

Today I was able to mark off another of my goals in my 101 in 1001 list! It was also a very important one. Today I gave blood for the…


Here's a couple pics from Saturday and Sunday when we went camping. Our weekend started with Alex's baseball game in Auburn at 9:30 am. We booked it out of there,…
2011::Fort Worth, TX

2011::Fort Worth, TX

Saturday We left Saturday morning at crack-o-dawn to head down to get Drew. Drew was in Orange Beach, AL for a soccer tourney. He had gone down earlier in the…

Fill in the Blank Friday 4.13.12

1. Today is a good day because... I got to spend extra time with Rob. 2. The best thing I did all week was... I got to have lunch with…