Fill in the Blank Friday 4.13.12

By | April 11, 2011

1. Today is a good day because… I got to spend extra time with Rob.

2. The best thing I did all week was… I got to have lunch with my best bud.

3. The current weather is… chili and it makes me feel… cold.

4. The best thing about spring is… is the sites and sounds of new life; flowers blooming and birds singing.

5. A fashion trend that I’m dying to try out for spring is… fashion? What’s that? haha

6. A person who made me smile this week was… my best bud who I ate lunch with, Rob, my boys, and my student workers.

7. The most delicious thing I ate all week was… a very small amount of chocolate that I allowed myself to have. I miss eating chocolate everyday, but my waistline will one day be smaller and that will make me very happy.

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