iSpy #93

iSpy #93

Hello! In case you missed it, I made a quick survey to get a feel what folks want to do about iSpy next year! It takes 2 minutes or less!…
Kansas City, MO

Kansas City, MO

Hello, y'all! Today we're continuing with another travel post from our St. Louis trip. After spending 5 days in St. Louis, mainly while Rob was attending a conference, we were…
iSpy #92

iSpy #92

Hello fellow iSpyers! I made a quick survey to get a feel for what folks want to do next year. Please take a minute to fill it out for me.…
iSpy #91

iSpy #91

seasonal outfit -quarterly starts with F Our leaves haven't changed too much, but I loved this picture for the sky. The trees have started changing just slightly. listen your choice…
Monthly Digest – September 2022

Monthly Digest – September 2022

Another month has flown by. Here's my Monthly Digest for September 2022! LIFE Happenings We had a great Labor Day weekend. Rob went to Atlanta one Friday morning and instead…


On our way to Kansas City, we stopped in Columbia, MO to see Mizzou (University of Missouri). Funny enough, my school, Auburn just played Mizzou this last weekend in football.…
iSpy #90

iSpy #90

space I debated on what to put for this one. However, when I went into this very cool restroom I thought it was a very cool 'space.' front yard -…
St. Louis Trip::Day 5

St. Louis Trip::Day 5

Today I'm sharing about our last full day in St. Louis. At this point in the trip, Rob was done with his conference. We had a few hours in St.…
Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend 2022

We had a really good Labor Day weekend, so I thought I'd share about it. On Saturday, it was the 1st Auburn football game of the season. Rob had to…
iSpy #89

iSpy #89

lush This is an oldie from several years back from the California Redwoods weather - quarterly picturesque starts with I Another old pic, but a favorite. I is for Iguana.…
St. Louis Trip::Day 3

St. Louis Trip::Day 3

I am continuing to share about our St. Louis trip today. I ubered over to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. I was honestly just scared to take public transportation. I'm sure…
iSpy #88

iSpy #88

spirit This was before last week's Auburn game. The band and cheerleaders gather at the corner near the stadium before the game to cheer before they go into the stadium…
St. Louis Trip::Day 2

St. Louis Trip::Day 2

Today we're continuing with our travel posts from St. Louis. In case you missed St. Louis post #1>>>St. Louis Trip Day 1 The 2nd day, Rob headed out to his…
iSpy #87

iSpy #87

repeat - This design on my shirt repeats. backyard - quarterly starts with T T is for tablespoon vision - This is an old pic of an old contact prescription…
Monthly Digest – August 2022

Monthly Digest – August 2022

How is it almost September? Life flies by in blink doesn't it? Anyone else using the BeReal app? If you are, add me>> lysha00 Everyday at a different time, everyone…
iSpy #86

iSpy #86

written My daily devotional notes material My clothes are made out of material product my go to drink...Yes, it's unsweet. Yes, I'm from the south. No, I don't need all…
iSpy #85

iSpy #85

Dang, I just can't get back into a steady routine of posting these on time. Sorry guys! Life has just been crazy lately, but I'm going to work on it.…
St. Louis Trip::Day 1

St. Louis Trip::Day 1

Rob had a conference he was presenting at, as well as attending in St. Louis back in April. I've never been, so I decided to tag along to take full…