Life Lately #2…
Memories of the Month {5.2014}
This month I was happy about: the school year winding down.
This month I was sad about: empty promises.
Something I accomplished this month was: just getting through the month was accomplishment enough.
Life Lately #1…

Today I’m starting a new series that I’d like to do each week called Life Lately. This will be just random tidbits about what is going on in life. There’s always things I’d like to share, but more times than not, it’s not enough to write an entire post on. I thought doing it this way will hopefully encourage me to share those little things that usually get left unsaid. Or sometimes it may have things mentioned that will be an intro into a longer post later.
Family Date Night 2014
A few weeks ago, we left work early, checked the kids out of school, and drove up to Atlanta for a night at the Fox. After getting up to Atlanta, we parked and decided to walk around a bit before figuring out where we would eat dinner.
We walked by this beautiful church, All Saints Episcopal Church and decided to go inside.
Travel Bucket List

Lately I have been feeling burned out. When I get in that mode, it means I probably need to take a break one way or another. If I can’t physically pick up and go on vacation, I sometimes just take a quick trip on the internet and let my vacation fantasies run free. The other day, while doing that, I decided to make a list of places I want to go during my life time.
Here are my top 20 places, I’d like to see someday…
(in no particular order)
Day Trip to Birmingham
Remember a few weeks ago, when I wrote about the Wednesday that Rob and I had a free day from work? Well, we ended up taking a day trip up to Birmingham, since Drew was going to be playing in a soccer game that afternoon.
We headed up towards Birmingham and ended up stopping for lunch as we were too hungry to wait till we got to B’ham. We txted some good friends who gave us some suggestions. So stopped at Big “B” Bar-B-Q in Alex City.
Little Trip to the ER
“2 more songs.
I can make it.
Come on.
Hurry up!
I need to get outta here!”
Memories of the Month {4.2014}
This month I was happy about: getting to have some free evenings with nothing to do.
This month I was sad about: drama going on with part of my family.
Something I accomplished this month was: having to go to the ER. *sarcasm*
Fun at the Braves Game
A few weeks ago, we got given tickets to the Braves game. Our seats were behind homeplate in the players’ family section. Really good seats! Drew couldn’t go because he had a soccer game. Since we had six tickets we invited Rob’s Step Dad, David, his brother, Nick, and Alex brought a friend along. We had a great time even without a win from the Braves.
The Writing’s On the Wall
Last Wednesday, I got up as normal, grabbed my phone, and headed down stairs to have my Bible time and eat my cereal before getting the kids up in 30 minutes. I noticed I had a text, so I opened it up to see a text from AU ALERT:

Cub Scout Field Trip
Memories of the Month {3.2014}
This month I was happy about: starting my new daytime hours.
This month I was sad about: just still really missing me Dad.
Something I accomplished this month was: getting used to working like normal people.
Liebster Award
More thoughts…and pics of Dad
I received my Dad’s ashes a couple of weeks ago. I’m thankful to have them in my possession now. So I’ve started to casually look at the costs of going down to the Florida Keys, where he wanted to be spread. I am thankful to have one loose end taken care of and I hope to have more closure when we take this trip. I’ll share more about that as it comes about. I am thankful he picked somewhere beautiful and tropical.
I just continue to find myself grasping for something when it comes to missing Dad. I am missing him more than ever now, which I suppose is natural. My cousin and uncle sent several pics of my Dad from Christmas Day. I am so thankful for these are the last photos taken of Dad.
Pics of my Uncle Guy showing my Dad the pet hedgehog.
Family Date Night
A few weeks ago, we left work early, checked the kids out of school, and drove up to Atlanta for a night at the Fox. After getting up to Atlanta, we parked and decided to walk around a bit before figuring out where we would eat dinner.
We walked by this beautiful church, All Saints Episcopal Church and decided to go inside.
Good News!

So the other day, I eluded to the fact that I had some exciting news! Although, it shouldn’t effect my blogging at all, my family will totally benefit from it. My 2nd shift (3pm-12am) shifts are no more!! I am taking on a new role at work, which enables me to be a normal human being and work normal 8-5 hours! Can I get a Hallelujah?
Tiffany & Dad
Memories of the Month {2.2014}
This month I was happy about: a change that’s coming soon!
This month I was sad about: just really missing my Dad these days.
Something I accomplished this month was: not much of anything…or at least that I can remember.