Monthly Digest – January 2023

Monthly Digest – January 2023

Here we are for another end of month summary.


Happenings It’s been a pretty good month. Since I’m doing my Weekly highlight posts again you can see all the happenings here:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

Loving I have used the Collect Photo Journal Diary App keep a photo from each day to make a calendar like this at the end of each month.

January 2023 Photo Calendar

Happy I got to hang out with Buster right after the new year. But sad too, because Caitlyn and Drew made the difficult decision to put her 16 old dog Buster to sleep and let him cross over the rainbow bridge. As with most really old dogs, his quality of life was just pretty nonexistent, so it was the best decision for him. He will be so greatly missed.

2022-12-26 18.02.49

Excited to get a lot accomplished wedding wise!

Reminiscing I have been making the 2 slideshows for wedding weekend and I’ve been doing a lot of reminiscing of these and their 8 year journey. Can’t believe they’re finally getting married! So excited for it.

Engagement Photos 0018

Social I met up with my Empty Nester group as well as meeting up with our couple’s small group.

Work Memories Work has been pretty good. I love that my boss is good at recognizing when things aren’t good and he does things to help. I can’t go into specifics about this unfortunately.

Lesson Learned I’m really trying to express to my family when things they say bother me or hurt my feelings. I realized especially with my kids that I don’t ever tell them when things they say (which isn’t that often) hurt me and I think it’s important to let them know that.

Current Project Again, it’s all wedding till the big day on February 25th!!

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Drew released a new website for the company he works for and as far as I know all things went well with it. So proud of him! It’s always great when your kids are able to use take their degree and actually get to use it in their career.

Alex and his girlfriend, Madison, has visited a few times which always makes me happy

Rob has been gone three weekends in a row this month, which has allowed me to be super productive while he’s gone.

I journalled everyday in the month of January. I started off recording things throughout the day and it was so great. Then, life got really busy again and I found myself just journalling at the end of the day or the next day. I’m using the Day One app, which I like because you can use it on your phone and on your computer (I think for Mac users only).

I’m also back to recording a 1 second (or longer) video each day and recording on 1 Second Everyday app. I did this a few years ago and loved the end of the year results. I start it nearly everyday but then forget to do it and get behind and get discouraged and just stop. I hope this year, I keep doing it.

Another habit, I’m trying to continue is using the Morning! app to record things I’m grateful for.

Most remembered The Bridal Brunch for Caitlyn was so lovely.

Wearing Layers…this crazy weather

This Weekend Rob will be gone. This is actually the 3rd weekend he’ll be gone. I have a long list of wedding stuff to get done as well as cleaning and relaxing.

Looking Forward to Next Month Wedding!!!!


Eating still eating healthy as much as possible.

Favorite Eating at Vintage 2298 was my favorite.

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Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately. I haven’t written one of these Watching & Listening posts in awhile. Not sure I’ll be able to get that post done until after the wedding.

Watching & Listening Post
Favorite Pic

Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.


  1. What a beautiful building in The Vintage. So glad to see you taking pictures. The collage app sounds interesting and I love your results. Looks like a calendar with a photo in each box. I am using 1 sec each day but forget to add photos so have to go back in time to catch it up.

    Your son and his fiancé are adorable. I bet putting together the slideshows as been a labor of love. I am reading answers to questions my mom wrote for a book called To Our Children’s Children. It has been a real delight reading her words. Was afraid it would tear me up but it hasn’t. It has felt like having a little bit of Mom back with me again.

    So sorry about the loss of that darling pup. 17 years is a long life. And I know it was a good, long life. But saying goodbye still hurts. And that hole in our hearts left by their loss is impossible to completely fill.

  2. Joanne

    That photo calendar a day is so fun! I love your son’s engagement photo too.

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