Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about our Boston to Washington Trip. Here’s the last post in case you missed it:
Philly to Maryland

So Day 4, we woke up in our hotel that we stayed in for the next several days, the National Harbor Gaylord Hotel, which is where Rob’s work conference was being held. He had a meeting that morning and since I didn’t think I’d have enough time to go out and come back and meet him for lunch. I made the decision to just walk around the Gaylord and relax.

Inside the atrium area of the Gaylord
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

View outside

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

So many Cheery Blossoms!!
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

We ate lunch at the Cadillac Ranch in the National Harbor Mall with some of the other conference attendees. This was the ceiling for the entire restaurant!
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

After our lunch, we went back to the hotel for a little bit and then decided to walk around so Rob could see the place.

View of the Mall from our hotel
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Then we walked back over to the National Harbor Mall. This sculpture called The Awakening is in a sandy area right near the mall.
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Ever been to a PEEPS store? So cute and colorful and they had some Mike & Ike flavors I’d never seen before.
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Down the center of the National Harbor Mall it’s decorated with a bunch of different statues of great Americans.
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

That evening was the welcome party for the conference. Rob pays for me to be a part of the evening activities so I got to enjoy dinner and the open bar with him.
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Pretty cool lounge we were in for the party
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

View of the National Harbor Ferris Wheel from the lounge
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

The party ended too early, so many of the conference attendees headed across the street to the Piano Bar. It was a good time and honestly, I don’t remember too much. 😉
Fun Day in National Harbor, MD

Read more from this trip…
Day in Boston :: 24 Hours in Philly :: Philly to National Harbor :: Morning in Old Town Alexandria :: Afternoon in DC :: SAAM & National Portrait Gallery :: Naval Academy & National’s Game :: DC Day 1 :: DC Day 2


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