Currently – September 2020

By | September 2, 2020

September is one of my favorite months. Beginning of fall, back to school (back in the day when I was a student), cooler weather (hopefully), college football (hopefully), and my birthday month!

It’s time for another currently post, so here we go!

I am really /appreciating/ being able to work from home most weeks. It has been really stressful, trying to get all my new student workers trained and up to speed and these last couple weeks dealing with 34% of my student work force being exposed to COVID. 25% of our staff being exposed to students who were exposed. This means they all have to quarantine for 14 days regardless of their test results. We are down to bare bones, but the library doors are still open and that is what we’ve told to do. Keep the doors open even if we’re not able to have all our services up and running.

I hate that this post so far is all COVID related, but unfortunately I’m /anticipating/ another spike in COVID exposures a week or so after Labor Day at work. Many of my students will go home or will go somewhere and then they’ll come back. I’m actually supposed to be in the office the week after Labor Day. I pray I’m not exposed. I will be keeping my distance and wearing my mask religiously!

I’m /collecting/ new recipes to add to my weekly menus. I haven’t done a great job of sharing new recipes with ya’ll lately. I’d like to tweak a few of the recipes I made the last couple months and share those soon.

I’m /starting/ to get anxious for Fall. Now that it’s September, I’ll probably pull down my Fall decorations. In August, I had the mantel decorated with Auburn decor for Drew’s graduation. I made the Auburn garland and I love how it turned out that I want to make several more.


Today I’ll be /finishing/ my last post about Drew’s graduation weekend. I’m working on the post about our family party. Here’s the 1st two posts in case you missed them>>> Graduation Party  &   Auburn University Graduation Festivities

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.

If you’d like to see last month’s Currently post >>> Currently – August 2020

13 thoughts on “Currently – September 2020

  1. ShootingStarsMag

    I am worried about COVID numbers spiking. I’m a librarian at a community college, and thankfully I don’t have to go in every day and we don’t get TOO much traffic, but still! It just ups exposure for everyone.

    I love Fall though, so I’m super pumped that it’s September. That means Fall to me.


    1. Lysha Post author

      Our librarians don’t come in at all really. My department (circulation) is what’s keeping the library open. Praying for COVID numbers to not get worse!

  2. Leslie Clingan

    I had either forgotten or never realized you are a librarian. Academic, I assume? Such a great profession. I was a public school librarian for 25 years. Have been subbing some since retirement but not feeling too anxious to return to campuses while the virus is still part of life.

    LOVE your garland. They are fun to make, aren’t they? Congrats to your graduate.

    1. Lysha Post author

      I work at Auburn University library. However, I am not a librarian. I do love my job. The garland was a lot of fun, especially the ripping of the fabric!

  3. Tanya

    I hate hearing about your stressful work situation and the spikes on your campus. Labor day and the weeks after will be tough. Love your garland!

    1. Lysha Post author

      Yeah, I feel like I’ve handled all this COVID stuff pretty well till recently. I guess because I’m seeing direct effects of it right now.

  4. Anne

    Wow, yikes! That’s a lot of exposures. Hope that mask keeps you healthy and that everyone makes good choices over Labor Day weekend… I’m hoping that for our prospects of actually being able to stay in school here too. Hope you have a good month!

  5. Pingback: Currently - October 2020 - A Camera and A Cookbook

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