Category Archives: Life


By | January 21, 2008

Drew was honored to be asked to be a player on the Auburn Thunder Travel Soccer Team this spring. Normally you have to pay and go through try-outs, but the coach of the team called Friday night. He said he had seen Drew play and has seen his competitive nature, skills, and speed. We sat… Read More »


By | January 19, 2008

Yes, it’s been like 7 years since we’ve had snow! So we are THRILLED to see snow. It’s beautiful. I just wonder why it always snows on the weekend or a holiday. I never get to reap the benefits of ‘bad’ weather. 🙂

Resolutions 2008

By | January 1, 2008

So I know everyone is out there making their lofty list of new years resolutions (NYR). I found this article about the percentages of people who keep their resolutions. I think the main thing with NYR is that people make them on the first day of the year. Keep them on their mind for short… Read More »

Catching up

By | December 15, 2007

So since I’ve been pretty much MIA for months, I do have a lot I can write about. Back in November, Rob and I went to Atlanta and spent time by ourselves. I’ll write about that later, but anyway while we were there we went shopping and I got an iPod Touch. I’ve been enjoying… Read More »


By | November 30, 2007

I don’t have much of an update. I think all my readers have vanished so I haven’t been too concerned about updating. My life is still an upside down mess, but will hopefully be getting back on track soon. Sorry I can’t go into details, but it’s pretty personal. Thanks for understanding.