ABC’s of Me…
Conversation with a 7 year old
Why do I blog?
I’ve been asked by people who don’t blog, don’t read blogs, etc…Why do I blog? Well, I started out bloggin’ to keep track of things going on in my life, kind of like a journal. Than, I just got where I write about things bothering me or crazy things I see or hear. I like to plug good links and good blogs. I use it now kind of for a free for all!
The Trek to Tampa
Auburn Game
Take me out to the ballgame…
Drew’s Soccer Game
A Mouse in the House…
Furry Friends
What a Weekend!!
My Favorite Wedding Photo
Playing in the Clothes Hamper
Friday Forum – Dream Vacation
13 Layer Dip
Thirteen Random Things You Like Doing:
1. surfing net
2. shopping
3. sleeping
4. playing with my kids
5. watching my kids learn
6. reading magazines
7. traveling
8. cruising
9. cleaning
10. teaching
11. eating
12. going to Auburn sports
13. taking baths
Twelve Movies You Own
1. Jerry Maguire
2. True Lies
3. Zeus & Roxanne
4. Star Wars
5. Shrek
6. Shall We Dance
7. Spiderman
8. Shrek 2
9. Fluke
10. Soccer Dog
11. The Fugitive
12. Free Willie