ABC’s of Me…

Saw this on Paige's blog! Felt like doing a meme! Act your age? I think so. Born on what day of the week? I think Friday. Chore you hate? Mopping.…

Conversation with a 7 year old

Drew was looking at our mice and said wow look at that guy! He's fat! I said, yah! I hope he's not pregnant! Drew said, well if he's pregnant we've…


Alex is growing a vocabulary slowly but surely! He says "uh-oh!" and it is so cute. Also when I change his diaper I always say "Eyew, stinky" and I wave…

Why do I blog?

I’ve been asked by people who don’t blog, don’t read blogs, etc…Why do I blog? Well, I started out bloggin’ to keep track of things going on in my life, kind of like a journal. Than, I just got where I write about things bothering me or crazy things I see or hear. I like to plug good links and good blogs. I use it now kind of for a free for all!

The Trek to Tampa

The Trek to Tampa

Alright, I'm going to try and get caught up with my cruise stories. The first one consists of me, Drew, and Alex(the 3 of us) in the back seat of…
Auburn Game

Auburn Game

Here's pics from the Auburn Game Saturday... You can click to see a larger version in Flickr! I took tons of pics so you can go here to see lots…
Take me out to the ballgame…

Take me out to the ballgame…

Here's pictures of Drews's baseball game tonight. You can click on any pictures to go see all the pictures I took on Flickr. The shirt he got is an ADULT…

A Mouse in the House…

I forgot to tell ya yesterday that yesterday morning when I got up and went into the bathroom, I was holding my breath. Knowing that a mouse might be on…

Furry Friends

Yesterday Rob got home and asked me if I got his email. I said no. He said well I have a surprise for you. I asked "a good one or…


Well, we just found out that our cruise that is supposed to leave in 33 days was cancelled. They are using the Sensation, which was the ship we were going…
What a Weekend!!

What a Weekend!!

Wow! What a weekend! Friday we went to the Wreck Tech Parade and Pep Rally. It was fun and I took lots of pictures. I've posted some below! You can…

My Favorite Wedding Photo

Happy 8 years to my Rob! This wasn't planned. I actually initiated this cake face fun! It was something I just did without thinking really!

I’m From…

I found this from CJ's Site. Thought I do it... I am from peanut butter, from Bounce Laundry Softner and Legos. I am from the 2 story house, loving, funny,…

Friday Forum – Dream Vacation

The object of today's Friday Forum is to: Imagine that you could drop everything and leave *right now* for your ultimate DREAM vacation destination. Money is no object, and you…

13 Layer Dip

Thirteen Random Things You Like Doing:
1. surfing net
2. shopping
3. sleeping
4. playing with my kids
5. watching my kids learn
6. reading magazines
7. traveling
8. cruising
9. cleaning
10. teaching
11. eating
12. going to Auburn sports
13. taking baths

Twelve Movies You Own
1. Jerry Maguire
2. True Lies
3. Zeus & Roxanne
4. Star Wars
5. Shrek
6. Shall We Dance
7. Spiderman
8. Shrek 2
9. Fluke
10. Soccer Dog
11. The Fugitive
12. Free Willie

We’re home…

We’re home…

Sheesh! We are home finally! I'm exhausted. I'm in the process of unpacking, washing, cleaning, going through mail, and the list goes on! Here's a couple pics from our trip!…