We’re home…

By | July 11, 2005

Sheesh! We are home finally! I’m exhausted. I’m in the process of unpacking, washing, cleaning, going through mail, and the list goes on! Here’s a couple pics from our trip! [pics have been removed from old account]

First, here’s my new hair do! Thank you, Aunt Janet!

Here’s my Mom with Drew

Here’s the highest temp we saw while driving through Austin! The entire trip was SO hot!

And here’s a quick story. While on the way to San Antonio, we stopped in Waco and went to the Dr. Pepper museum. Right before we left we went to the bathroom and I was changing Alex’s diaper. This is what I saw:

I busted out laughing! And NO! I didn’t TAKE the diaper with me!!! It was Tee-Tee! No poo!

I’m working on my trip summary and I have lots of pics to post in an Album on my family site! I’ll hopefully get to that up tomorrow, but I have to work tomorrow and Wednesday to decorate the hall at my school.

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