What’s Up Wednesday ~ November 2020

What’s Up Wednesday ~ November 2020

Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

What's Up Wednesday - February 2020

What We’re Eating
I’ve been doing lots of baking lately. I’ve got several recipes I need to get posted, but this week and last week I have been super slammed at work. These Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookies are so yummy!
Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookies

What I’m Reminiscing About
With Thanksgiving tomorrow, of course, I’ve thought back to other Thanksgivings.
Thanksgiving 2016
Look back with me at previous Thanksgivings: 2019 / 2016 / 2015 / 2013

What I’m Loving
I’m loving that its the holiday season. Here’s hoping its not too stressful.

What We’ve Been Up To
I have been overwhelmed at work, per the usual though this time of the semester. Making the schedule for next spring and hiring for all the open time slots. I’m tired!

What I’m Dreading
I’ve been dreading this hiring season. With changes that made last semester with how new hires get processed, it is so stressful. I’m ready to have everyone in the system and ready to go. I just hate having relying on others especially when they mess up my timeline!

What I’m Working On
All of the above! Hiring new students. Some crafting. Cooking.

What I’m Excited About
I’m excited that I have a few days off! I’m going to try real hard not to think about work.

What I’m Watching/Reading
Look for this answer in my Memories of the Month for November post that will come out in a few days.

What I’m Listening To
I’ve been listening to a lot of jazz lately. I’ve even sprinkled in some Christmas Jazz!

What I’m Wearing
I recently got this new Apple watch band and bracelet. I’ve become a big fan of Moriah Robinson’s youtube channel. She talks fashion and make up. She’s how I found this bracelet.


What I’m Doing This Weekend
Watching the Iron Bowl – Auburn vs. Alabama game!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
Christmas. Time off. Hopefully getting out of town for a bit.

What Else is New
I think that’s it for now! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow!

In case you missed last month…Octobers’s What’s Up Wednesday


  1. Sorry to hear that you have been under so much stress at work. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the holiday and a couple of days off! I’m going to add Christmas jazz to my playlist, that sounds wonderful!

    • Lysha

      Thank you! Things are much better this week. I just tend to stress over ‘loose ends.’

  2. Those cookies look amazing! I came so close to baking up some chocolate chip cookies with Heath bar bits in them this morning.

  3. I hope the hiring process goes as smoothly as it can. And those cookies look delicious!!!

    • Lysha

      Thanks! It went pretty well and I’m glad to be done (fingers crossed)!

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about work! I hope it calms down soon! I hope you enjoyed your days off too!

    • Lysha

      Thank you! Things always work out, just not always on the timeline I would like!

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