Another month done. I’m ready for cooler weather and football. I’m just praying nothing happens and they don’t cancel SEC football this fall. We’re ready to kick off Sept. 26th! I sure hope the temps start getting cooler. Anyway, I’m once again linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday to recap some goings-on from August.
What We’re Eating
Honestly this last month, I’ve slacked on my menu planning. I had the hopes of just trying to use up stuff in the freezer, which I’ve done a little bit. I need to just take an inventory of what we have and make a menu based off that. I’ve also cooked a lot less. With Drew having moved out and Alex often at work, Rob and I just eat leftovers or end up going out.
What I’m Reminiscing About
I’m reminiscing about Drew’s ‘graduation’ and the fun we had at our family party and the drive party we had the night before. I have been so busy with work these last few weeks that by the time I have time to sit down and write posts, I’m just too tired. I’ll get those grad/party posts up soon.

What I’m Loving
Rob and I started watching The Morning Show on Apple TV and I’m loving it, besides the every other word F-bombs.
What We’ve Been Up To
Once we got Drew moved out and moved Alex in to Drew’s old room, we started making Alex’s old room into Rob’s home office. We are still needing some picture frames to finish hanging some of the pics. For those that missed my Weekly post here’s what it looks like so far:
What I’m Dreading
Just last night I had 3 student workers contact me because of exposure to the virus, I’m dreading the fact that the university is going to have to do something. I’m praying it doesn’t happen, but I’m afraid it might be inevitable.
What I’m Working On
I just got my office clean-ish. I think I showed yall a very messy picture of my office a couple weeks ago.

What I’m Excited About
Actually, sadly…not excited about anything really. Rob and I do have our 23rd wedding anniversary this coming Sunday. Don’t think we have plans as of now.
What I’m Watching/Reading
I’ll post about that in my Memories of the Month post soon.
What I’m Listening To
Blood Ties Season 2
What I’m Wearing
a messy bun and my College World Series t-shirt
What I’m Doing This Weekend
Hopefully nothing! But probably doing more in Rob’s office and celebrating our anniversary.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
I’m looking forward to Fall-ish things; cooler weather (hopefully), football (hopefully)
What Else is New
I’m thinking of re-reading Better than Before

In case you missed last month…July’s What’s Up Wednesday
I have heard that once you reach the empty nest phase, it can be more economical to go out to eat instead of cooking large meals. Sorry to hear about the campus covid cases. Take care!
I have not been doing that great trying to use up food from our freezer either. I feel like I no sooner get to where I can see everything than we fill it right back up again. I hope the university doesn’t have to shut down completely but it does sound like they’ll have to do something.
I actually finally looked at everything in my downstairs freezer, but haven’t taken inventory of the upstairs freezer where most stuff is. A little progress is better than none, right?
Waiting with bated breath on all this COVID stuff.
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