The Weekly [6.28-7.4.2020]

By | July 5, 2020

I haven’t done a “The Weekly” post since last year. I thought that maybe since we’re half way done through this year, I’d start doing these posts every week again. It’s a good way to quickly rundown things that are happening and share some pics. Not sure how that will affect my end of the month posts >>>> Memories of the Month & What’s Up Wednesday

In my Friday Favorites post last week I shared most of the pics that I would have shared here. Here’s 2 pics I didn’t share.
1:Here’s Katniss in the chair under our kitchen table.2020-07-01 17.08.46
2: This a scary looking caterpillar that I took pics and video of and then squished it so it wouldn’t eat my garden!
2020-06-29 18.01.53

This last week was a holiday weekend with 4th of July being on Saturday. We got Friday off and honestly I don’t even feel like we had an extra day off if I’m being honest. Thursday night when Rob got home we downloaded Mint and started adding all of our info in to keep up with our finances better and do a budget. We worked on that the entire evening. Friday morning we worked on it more and then we went to look at couches. We had told Drew that he could have several pieces of furniture when he moved out; 2 of which are the couches in our living room. We didn’t find much and have since decided that since we’re trying to get our finances in better shape that we will hold off on that purchase for awhile. This decision comes much easier because a friend of his is giving him a couch.

I’m just sad ya’ll. I have seen several social media posts this weekend since it was 4th of July weekend. People saying they’re not celebrating our country. I mean I get it, but I still feel like there is so much to be thankful for; namely Freedom and the soldiers who fight to preserve that.

I don’t want to get political. Just what’s heavy on my heart.

I’m sad for those who are sick with COVID, or have family members with it or have lost family members because of it. I’m sad for my African American Family and Friends who live in fear because of racial profiling, prejudice, and discrimination. It upsets me to think about the cities that have been looted and the statues that have been vandalized, torn down, and destroyed. It all just makes me sad. I have no answers except to pray for these things, not to be ignored, but that God gives us all the wisdom to speak up, to step up, and to help. Not to be silent or to think these things aren’t problems. To embrace change. I know I’m not the only one sad about these things.

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World

One thought on “The Weekly [6.28-7.4.2020]

  1. joanne

    I’ve been debating about buying a new couch/living room set too but decided to hold off at least until the winter.


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